Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

Campfire Stories 2022 :: Part 08 :: Why do I even Try?! | Ryan Howell :: August 21, 2022

August 26, 2022

What’s the Issue Anyway?

Do we have a history with DUPLICITOUS actions?

Do we act in a way opposite of the CULTURAL EXPECTATION? We can easily feel DEFLATED when our intentions are questioned. Questioning our intentions exposes our RESILIENCY.

What Wisdom does David and Goliath in I Samuel 17 offer us?

Legend has it David was not a stranger to the CONTEMPT of his brothers. Jesse sends David to check on the SAFETY of his brothers. (17-19)

David HONORED his father by following through. (20-22)

David was AMBITIOUS and saw an opportunity to advance. (23-26)

The Philistines came to the land with the invasions of the SEA PEOPLES. Eliab questioned David’s INTENTIONS from a place of woundedness. (28-29) David KEPT MOVING towards his opportunity for influence. (30)

Don’t Miss This!

David did not get DISTRACTED by the accusation.

What happens when my intentions are questioned in my everyday, normal life?

Take a moment for REFLECTION.

Assume that you might have unintentionally reopened an unhealed WOUND. Shake the dust off your sandals and walk BRAVELY down your path.

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

Resiliency will get you noticed and give you opportunities for INFLUENCE.

What is God inviting you into today?

  1. Turn to prayer when I feel misunderstood or my intentions are questioned.
  2. Stop assuming I know people’s intentions.
  3. Move forward bravely on my path.

Thought-provoking questions:

  1. Can you think of a duplicitous person in your life? What have they done to make you question their motives?
  2. Why do you think David was so intent on facing Goliath?
  3. Read all of 1 Samuel chapter 17. What do you find disturbing and not reflective of Jesus in this story? What might be the projection of human values on God? Where do you see the values of Jesus in this story?
  4. Has something ever become a distraction in your life? Talk a little bit about that experience.
  5. When someone questions your intentions, what could you do to take a moment of reflection before responding?
  6. Have you ever unintentionally reopened a wound in another person through your words or actions? How did you respond to them?
  7. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being no resiliency and 10 being completely resilient) what is your overall resiliency to opposition at work, home, hobbies and friendships?