Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

Campfire Stories 2022 :: Part 5 :: Origin Stories | Ryan Howell :: July 31, 2022

August 01, 2022

Campfire Stories | Week #05 || Origin Stories | July 31st

What’s the Issue Anyway?

We all love a good ORIGIN story.

Our origin stories tend to fall into one of THREE categories.

Origin stories form personal and cultural IDENTITY.

Cultural origin stories easily become THE story instead of OUR story.

What Wisdom does the Exodus Origin story offer us?

The Jewish origin story begins with Imperial OPPRESSION. (Exodus 1)

A HERO is born with a destiny to lead. (Exodus 2-4)

The ANCESTRAL God of the Hebrews decides to act. (Exodus 5-6)

The TIMELESS battle between good and evil begins with the ten plagues. (Exodus 7-12) The Passover Feast is established as LAW. (Exodus 12)

The RED SEA would be the final battle between good and evil. (14:5-31)

Don’t Miss This!

Israel’s origin story encouraged Israel to TRUST and REMEMBER the power and faithfulness of their God.

How can I live this out in my everyday, normal life?

Jesus offers a CORRECTIVE and COUNTER origin story. What is the origin story of your SPIRITUAL JOURNEY? Write out your spiritual AUTOBIOGRAPHY.

Remember the UNIVERSAL themes of the Exodus.

Look for the HINTS of the universal Christ in Israel’s origin story.

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

Origin stories bring HOPE and LIGHT into our darkness and discouragement.

What is God inviting you into today?

  1. This week I will read the book of Exodus.
  2. This week I will journal my own spiritual origin story, thinking about how God has been present with me throughout my life.
  3. I think I might be in the beginning of my spiritual origin story and would love to talk with a pastor about it.page1image4250127392 page1image4250127680

Thought-provoking questions:

  1. What is the origin story of your vocation, family or current place that you live?
  2. The Exodus story is a beautiful story that Jewish people still hold with great value and is central to many practicing their faith. What do you think of the depiction of God?
  3. Where do you see the values of Jesus in the Exodus story?
  4. Where do you see values that are in opposition to Jesus in the Exodus story?
  5. What experiences from your life produce trust in your heart towards the divine?
  6. Share one or two moments in your life that you felt like you encountered and recognized the divine.
  7. What stories from your past bring hope to you?