Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

Campfire Stories 2022 :: Part 3 :: A storm, a fish and a tree walk into a bar... | Ryan Howell :: July 17, 2022

July 18, 2022

Campire Stories 2022 | Week #03

A storm, a fish and a tree walk into a bar... | July 17th

What’s the Issue Anyway?

We often define ourselves through group DIFFERENCES.

Ignorance, Fear and Anger over our differences leads to OTHERING.

Othering dehumanizes, rationalizes inequality, justifies hatred and tramples the


What Wisdom does the story of Jonah offer us?

Jonah refuses the assignment and tries to get AWAY from God. (1:3) Jonah didn’t see the COLLATERAL DAMAGE to his rebellion. (1:5-6) Even the GENTILES knew the folly of disobeying the gods. (1:10) The gentile sailors are QUICK to recognize Yahweh’s power. (1:14-16) The great fish was LIMINAL time and space for Jonah. (2:1-11)

The Gentiles again were QUICK to change their actions. (3:6-10)

Jonah wanted the OTHERS to pay. (4:1-4)

Jonah was still hoping for the WORST. (4:5)

God uses an OBJECT LESSON to teach Jonah about divine love. (4:6-8)

Don’t Miss This!

DIVINE LOVE understands and therefore never OTHERS.

How can I live this out in my everyday, normal life?

Am I on a path of SELF-DESTRUCTION?

Am I a FISH or a storm?

Do I need to REPENT of hoping for the worst?

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

When we understand divine love, BELONGING and INCLUSION will mark our society.

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What is God inviting you into today?

  1. I am headed down that path of self-destruction and would like to start fresh today by following Jesus.
  2. I want to continually be a person who creates space for others to belong.
  3. I need to repent of my othering and allow God to overcome my fear of someone or some group of people.

Thought provoking questions:

  1. How has our American culture done a good job of inclusion and belonging? How has Christianity done the same?
  2. Can you think of a group of people that have been dehumanized and othered by our American culture? Can you think of a group of people that have been dehumanized and othered by Christian culture?
  3. Have you ever found yourself running away from God? What were those circumstances? Did you have a fish moment?
  4. Why is it easy for us to secretly want the worst for someone or some group?
  5. What are some ways you can work toward understanding groups that have been marginalized or othered by Christianity or the broader society?
  6. Think of a time you have experienced inclusion and belonging. What were the circumstances surrounding that experience? What fears were dismissed as you felt included and the right to belong?