Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

Courageous Generosity :: Part 2 :: Whose prayer have you answered lately? | Ryan Howell :: June 26, 2022

June 27, 2022

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Courageous Generosity | Week #02

Whose prayer have you answered lately? | June 26th

Last Week: The Blessed life is the GENEROUS Life.

Getting the Conversation started...

Has someone ever been an answer to YOUR prayers?

Have you ever been an answer to SOMEONE’S prayer?

A maturing relationship moves towards GIVING and away from getting.

What Wisdom does 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 offer us?

We all live UNDER the law of sowing and reaping. (9:6)

Courageous generosity is not MANIPULATED giving. (9:7)

Personal ABUNDANCE is divine INVESTMENT. (9:8)

Having more than what we need is an opportunity to do GOOD works. (9:8) Divine Love gives generously and faithfully to the POOR and OPPRESSED. (9:9) Paul knew there was no season of HARVEST without a season of sowing. (9:10) GENEROSITY is the hand of Love in this world. (9:11-12)

The Corinthians could be an answer to PRAYER. (9:13-14)

Through their generosity, the Corinthians were the GIFT from God. (9:15)

Don’t Miss This!

Courageous generosity makes YOU an indescribable gift from God.

What are people praying for?

People are praying for a church like CROSSROADS.

People are praying for a PATH out of poverty, slavery, illiteracy, bigotry and spiritual emptiness. People are praying for a place for their children to experience a faith that MATURES with them.

Your Everyday Normal Life

Commit to intentionally and cheerfully giving to NOW, NEED and NEXT.

“God, show me how to use my financial ABUNDANCE to answer someone’s prayer and produce thanksgiving to YOU.”

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

Courageous generosity CREATES a healthy church that is an answer to prayer. Courageous generosity creates a THANKFUL world.page1image3284448448 page1image3284448992 page1image3284449184 page1image3284450352 page1image3284450944 page1image3284451232

What is God inviting you into today?

1. Join me for a summer of courageous generosity.

Thought provoking question:

  1. Can you think of a time when someone was an answer to your prayer? Talk about that. How about a time you were able to be an answer to someone’s prayer?
  2. Maturing faith moves from getting to giving. How have you seen this happen in your own life? Are you struggling to move towards giving?
  3. Do you believe that you can be an answer to someone’s prayer? What do you think would happen if you prayed every day to be an answer to someone’s prayer?
  4. Which do you have the easiest time giving towards: now, need or next? Which do you struggle the most with?
  5. Why do you think our world needs Crossroads Church?