Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

Courageous Generosity :: Part 01 :: Was Jesus #Blessed? | Ryan Howell :: June 19, 2022

June 20, 2022

Courageous Generosity | Week #01

Was Jesus #Blessed? | June 19th

What’s the Issue Anyway?

We often think of the __________ in our lives.

We rarely think of the __________ in our lives.

Jesus didn’t seem to equate __________ blessing with getting good things.

What Wisdom does Scripture offer us?

Jesus and his people suffered under the weight of __________.

Jesus knew possessions can too easily become __________. (Matthew 6:24)

Ancient Israel believed __________ produced a __________ on the land. (Malachi 3:6-12) Jesus knew that giving brought __________ into our lives. (Acts 20:35)

Don’t Miss This!

The Blessed Life is the __________ life.

How can I live this in my everyday, normal life?

#1: The Universe is grounded in spiritual and physical __________.

#2 __________ things happen to stingy people and __________ things happen to generous people.

#3 All spiritual habits are for __________ spiritual good.

#4 __________ can transform and ruin your life.

#5 Courageous Generosity is about __________ __________ in giving.

Take a __________ step in giving this summer. Be an __________ Giver

Be an __________ Giver Be a __________ Giver Be a __________ Giver

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

God uses financial generosity to break the power of __________ and __________. God uses financial generosity to power __________ church.

Financial generosity is the fast track to living a __________ -__________ blessed life.

What is God inviting you into today?

Take a courageous step in your financial generosity this summer.

Thought provoking question:

  1. Do you like to give? Would your closest friends describe you as generous, greedy, or somewhere in between? Why?
  2. Have you ever felt manipulated into giving to a church or Christian ministry?
  3. Do you think your life is blessed? Why or why not? How do you define a blessing?
  4. What about Jesus’ life was blessed by the material standards of the #blessed movement?
  5. Why do you think Jesus saw possessions as a potential possessor?
  6. How hard is it for you to see the blessed life as a life of giving rather than receiving?
  7. What would be a courageous step in financial generosity for you? What is holding you back from taking that step?
  8. If our church had unlimited financial resources, what would you love to see us do together that would bring hope to our world?