Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

Keeping Hope Alive :: Part 8 :: A Soulful Summer | Ryan Howell :: June 5, 2022

June 07, 2022

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Talk Notes:

What’s the Issue Anyway?

We neglect the care of our souls because we are too DISTRACTED. We neglect the care of our souls because we are too BUSY.

We neglect the care of our souls because we lack DISCIPLINE.

If we neglect the care of our souls we neglect our CAPACITY to love.

What Wisdom does Scripture offer us?

The soul can PROSPER. (3 John 1:2)

A prospering soul is not without seasons of SUFFERING. (Psalm 42:1-6)

The soul needs to be CONDITIONED for times of suffering. (1 Timothy 4:8-10)

Don’t Miss This!

Hope demands SOUL CARE.

How can I live this out in my everyday, normal life?

Soul care and spiritual training is a TEAM sport.

Gather for community WORSHIP, PRAYER, and LEARNING.

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

Effective soul care produces a RENEWED mind and TRANSFORMED perspective.

What is God inviting you into today?

  1. Commit to gathering regularly as a part of Crossroads Church.
  2. I would like to learn more about volunteering with kids and students.page1image1968089600 page1image1968089888 

Thought-provoking questions:

  1. How intentional would you say you are right now in the care of your soul? Why is not soul care a priority in your life? Have you had seasons where you have been more intentional? What did those look like?
  2. Psalm 42 is the cry of a weary soul. What do you think could have made the author’s soul so weary?
  3. Our own personal level of hope correlates with our ability to bring hope. The author of 1 Timothy 4:10 claims to suffer/struggle and toil because of hope. What are ways in which we toil as individuals and as a church from “setting our hope on the living God?”
  4. How has regularly gathering to learn from scripture contributed to your soul care? What elements of a “worship experience” do you find particularly meaningful and helpful in encouraging your soul?
  5. How can a renewed mind help us discern the will of God? How particular do you think Paul meant by “will of God?” Have you ever felt like you got it wrong?