Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

Keeping Hope Alive :: Part 6 :: SecondHand Healing | Ryan Howell: May 22, 2022

May 23, 2022

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Keeping Hope Alive | Week #06

SecondHand Healing | May 22nd

Quick Review:

Let us hold unwaveringly to our CONFESSION that gives us HOPE, for he who made the promise is trustworthy. We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works. We should not stay away from our assembly as is the custom of some. Hebrews 20:23-24a

Week 01: We are a church that believes RESURRECTION hope only survives when people live it and give it. Week 02: We are a church that PERSEVERES in our commitment to love.

Week 03: We are a church working to bring JUSTICE (God’s vision for the world) to all people.

Week 04: We are a church that knows you cannot bring hope to the hurting from a SAFE DISTANCE. Week 05: We are a church that understands what we believe today is not enough for TOMORROW.

(Spiritual Growth)

What’s the Issue Anyway?

Have you ever experienced the pain of a BROKEN HEART?

Our FEELINGS of broken heartedness are universal and normal.

Without a bridge, our broken heart quickly becomes a HOPELESS heart.

What Wisdom does Psalm 34:18 and Luke 5:17-26 offer us?

The paralyzed man had friends COMMITTED to his healing.

What did the friends BELIEVE?

The religious leaders were uncomfortable because Jesus was deconstructing dangerous THEOLOGY. Thing 1: Humans have the AUTHORITY to heal disease and FORGIVE sins.

Thing 2: Healing came through the care and support of RADICAL friendship.

Don’t Miss This!

We must radically care for and support the brokenhearted without JUDGMENT.

How can I live this out in my everyday, normal life?

Rather than heal and care for the brokenhearted, how do my BELIEFS judge and exclude? How do we as a community and individuals “CARRY the stretcher” and “REMOVE the tiles”? What CROWD is in the way of my own healing and care?


How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

When we offer care and support, we experience SECONDHAND hope and healing. What is God inviting you into today?

  1. I am sitting on a mat, paralyzed by a broken heart and could use care and support.
  2. I want to help carry the stretcher by joining the Care and Support Ministry Team.

Thought-provoking questions:

  1. Take a moment to think about an experience that left you with a broken heart. What feelings flowed into your spirit during that season?
  2. Read Psalm 34:18. How have you experienced the nearness of the divine in times of broken heartedness or distress?
  3. As you consider the encounter of Jesus with the friends of the paralyzed man, what do you think motivated the friends to take such drastic measures?
  4. Why is non-judgment so important in offering care and support? When have you found it easy to judge the brokenhearted?
  5. Who in your life has “carried your stretcher?” Who in your life do you “carry the stretcher” for?
  6. Talk about time you offered care and support to someone and found that to be a time of healing for yourself as well.