Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

Keeping Hope Alive :: Part 5 :: Going Out on a Limb Here! | Ryan Howell :: May 15, 2022

May 16, 2022

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Here are the message notes filled in for future reference!

What’s the Issue Anyway?

We all can get ___________________.

Certainty is the friend of _______________ and the enemy of ____________.

What Wisdom does Peter’s Story offer us?

Peter’s life is a portrait of _______________ growth.

Peter needed to learn about two ways of ____________. (Mark 8:33)

Acts 10:13-47 Peter’s Epiphanic Moment

The Spirit of God was causing Peter to ____________ what he knew about God. (17) When traditions become exclusions, we need a _______________ vision.

Peter’s _______________ is the start of his spiritual growth. (23)

Peter had to accept that his idea of God was ____________. (29)

Don’t Miss This!

Hope for the Gentiles _______________ Peter to grow spiritually.

How can I live this out in my everyday, normal life?

Your Spiritual growth is not your _______________ _______________. Your Spiritual growth follows ____________ and ___________________.

“You do not think yourself into new ways of acting, you act yourself into new ways of thinking.”

Regularly go out on a _________.

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

Spiritual Growth produces wisdom with ____________.

What is God inviting you into today?

  1. Take a few minutes this week and explore the differing Contemplative practices.
  2. Read Acts 10 this week.
  3. Take a few moments this week and engage with this writing prompt, “I used to believe that....”

Thought-provoking questions:

  1. Can you think of a time when you were so certain you were right, then found out that you were wrong? Describe your physical response to being wrong?
  2. Do you think it was easy for Peter to set aside his beliefs about God showing partiality or creating things unclean? Why or why not?
  3. What was your religious environment growing up? How was spiritual growth talked about? What were the signs of a spiritually mature person?
  4. Take a few minutes and explore the Tree of Contemplative Practices. What limbs do you think you would enjoy climbing out on? How would you apply the tree to your Christian faith?
  5. Think of a person who exemplified wisdom and humility in your life. How did they make you feel when you were with them?