Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

A Vision for Volunteering :: Ryan Howell :: September 12, 2021

September 12, 2021

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The Weekly Blessing:

May God bless you and keep you in the center of love and truth this week. 

To those who are feeling a heavy burden, like you are carrying the weight of God’s vision alone,

May God bless you with your own version of the 72 elders, 

People filled with God’s spirit sent to carry the burden with you. 

May all of us discover a meaningful way to give our talents to the peacemaking ventures of our church. 

May God bless Crossroads with people committed to sharing the peacemaking burden through volunteering.

May we find freedom from pursuing the counterfeit Jesus of unhealthy religion

And may we discover the real Jesus by bringing peace to the “least of these” in our world. 

And, for the next ten years, may God give us the strength to carry this peacemaking burden together,

And by doing so, may we see what we once thought impossible become possible. 
