Crossroads Church

Crossroads Church

Campfire Stories 2023 :: Part 2 :: Mountains and Valleys | Ryan Howell :: July 2, 2023

July 03, 2023

This summer, we’re exploring stories together that can shape our spirituality and reveal the truth of God. After all, you never know who you will meet and what you will hear while sitting around the campfire.


What’s the Issue Anyway?

We call powerful spiritual moments ________________ ________ experiences.

Spiritual experiences often become the ____________ rather than the ____________.

When the means become the ends, we become ________________ seekers not _____________ makers.

What Wisdom does Mark 9:2-11 offer us?

________________ were a place of divine revelation in Ancient Israelite Religion. (2) __________________ __________________ was evidence of divine revelation in Ancient Israelite Religion. (3)

____________ and ________________ were common responses to divine revelation in Ancient Israelite Religion. (4-6)

Peter wanted to ____________ in the moment. (4-6)

A ____________ of ____________ was a common symbol for God’s presence in Ancient Israelite Religion. (7a)

In the Gospel of Mark, the divine revelation is that Jesus is the _________ _____ _________ but no one gets it. (7b)

Son of God in Ancient Israelite Religion referred to divinely exalted ______________ that represented God.

Son of God in Ancient Rome referred to the ______________ ______________ of the emperors.

For Mark, the journey ____________ the mountain is the journey of belief and unbelief. (Mark 9:12-29)

The idea of a ________________ messiah or a ________________ son of God was difficult to understand and accept.

Don’t Miss This!

The Transfiguration revealed the ________________ of Jesus despite the __________________ of people.

________________ was the Mount of Transfiguration for the Roman Soldier. (Mark 15:39)

How can I live this in my everyday, normal life?

Embrace your _________ mount of transfiguration experiences.

Embrace your journey ___________ the mountain and through the valleys.

How does this make me a better person and the world a better place?

When Jesus is transfigured in our lives we are transformed into ______________ of ______________.

What is God inviting you into today?

  1. Download the Crossroads app and participate in the Summer Journey: The Way of Peace.
  2. Read the Gospel of Mark this week.

Thought provoking question:

  1. Can you think of a time where you had a “mountain top” experience? What was that like?
  2. What do you think Jesus, Elijah and Moses would have been talking about up there on that mountain?
  3. Mark tells us that Peter, James and John were confused by the whole situation. Have you ever been confused by a spiritual experience? How did you work through your confusion?
  4. What comes to mind when you think of making space for spiritual experiences in your life? How can you create space in your life for spiritual experience?
  5. What does it look like for you to be a person of peace in your every day, normal life?
