The Crossover Nexus Roundtable

Latest Episodes
Sci-Fi/Fantasy Holidays — CN003
TOPIC: In made up worlds, made up people have made up traditions for their made up holidays (and SOME made up traditions from REAL holidays). This episode celebrates and explores some of our favorite (and not so favorite) holidays from science fiction ...
Christmas Crossover Promo
We have a new Crossover Event! It's been a while, but we're banding together to do some podcasts linked together by a single theme, which was pretty easy considering the season! - It's the Christmas season,
Monsters — CN002
Seven podcasts that cover geek topics like sci-fi, fantasy, and horror through the lens of Christianity crossover in a single podcast... - TOPIC: - Monsters and horror movies aren't going anywhere and actually seem to be only rising in popularity.
Bible Stories in New Media: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly — CN001
TOPIC: With Noah and Son of God making waves in our cultural discussion, we decided to have a discussion about what makes a good, and bad, adaptation of the stories from the Bible. From our favorites to our least favorites,