I Don't Have Enough FAITH to Be an ATHEIST

I Don't Have Enough FAITH to Be an ATHEIST

Did the Apostles REALLY Die as Martyrs? with Dr. Sean McDowell

March 14, 2025

How much evidence exists for the martyrdom of the apostles? Did they REALLY die for their faith? Forget 'Foxe’s Book of Martyrs'—the second edition of Sean McDowell's, 'The Fate of the Apostles', is today's go-to comprehensive resource for studying the martyrdom accounts of the apostles! Tune in as Frank and Sean investigate what really happened to the closest followers of Jesus and answer questions like:

  • What incident spurred Sean to make 'The Fate of the Apostles' the topic of his doctoral dissertation?
  • What updates has Sean made to the second edition of his book?
  • Was Peter crucified upside-down and how did this tradition get started?
  • Which apostles does Sean believe have the highest (and lowest) probabilities of being martyred?
  • Is there evidence that any of the apostles recanted their testimony?
  • Is John the only apostle who died from natural causes?
  • If we say martyrdom proves Christianity is true, what about the martyrs of other religions?
  • Is there good reason to believe that Joseph Smith died as a martyr for Mormonism?

Christians often use the martyrdom of the apostles to defend the credibility of Jesus' death and resurrection, but could we be overstating the case? Don't miss this fascinating episode of 'I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist' to learn the answers!

Resources mentioned during the episode:

Sean’s website: https://seanmcdowell.org/

The Fate of the Apostles (2nd Edition): https://www.amazon.com/dp/1032580542