I Don't Have Enough FAITH to Be an ATHEIST

I Don't Have Enough FAITH to Be an ATHEIST

Debating Bart Ehrman About the Gospels with Jimmy Akin

May 31, 2024

When Christians suggest that the Bible is without error, what does that actually mean? And are there really good reasons to believe that the Bible, (specifically the New Testament) is both historically reliable and inerrant? Critics like Bart Ehrman raise challenging and thought-provoking questions about contradictions in the Gospels and Jesus' resurrection, but are they true contradictions or just apparent contradictions?

For this week's podcast, Frank sits down with author and Catholic apologist, Jimmy Akin, to talk about his recent debate with the well-known atheist and UNC Chapel Hill professor, Bart Ehrman. Serving as a senior apologist on Catholic Answers, Jimmy will unpack how he used his seasoned debate skills to graciously disarm his opponent while laying out a good case for New Testament reliability and exploring the standards of writing in the first century. During their conversation, Frank and Jimmy will answer questions like:

  • Did the Gospel writers remember and record the exact words of Jesus?
  • Did Jesus have a twin brother who appeared to the disciples after the Resurrection?
  • How do undesigned coincidences point towards New Testament reliability?
  • Why are some of the New Testament events seemingly out of chronological order?
  • Why did Bart Ehrman transition from a conservative fundamentalist Protestant Christian to now identifying as an atheist/agnostic?

As Jimmy shares his unique strategy in approaching his dialogue with Ehrman, he'll also drop some insight on the importance of understanding the Bible's historical context, clarify the difference between truth and precision, and touch on why there are a variety of writing styles among the New Testament authors. This laid back and light-hearted podcast episode comes jam-packed with apologetics knowledge bombs so grab your pen and paper and prepare to learn more about what it really means for the New Testament to be reliable! And be sure to watch Akin and Ehrman's full debate on his YouTube channel HERE along with his fascinating podcast, 'Mysterious World'.

To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry.


Jimmy's website: JimmyAkin.com

Jimmy's podcast: Mysterious World or Watch on YouTube

VIDEO DEBATE: Jimmy Akin vs. Bart Ehrman | Are the Gospels Historically Reliable?

BLOG POST: Why Bart’s Wrong