CRM-etc. Podcast with Kathy Hahn | CRM | Ecommerce | Online Tools

CRM-etc. Podcast with Kathy Hahn | CRM | Ecommerce | Online Tools

008 Manage Market Places

March 21, 2014

Kathy Hahn of CRM-etc. explores CRM, Ecommerce Solutions, and Online Tools to help Systemize, Automate, and Be More Productive.  Here is an overview of a recent interview by Kathy Hahn in a conversation with Stan Roach where Manage Market Places with Agiliron is explained in detail.

Point of Sale (Retail in the Store), Point of Sale (Retail at a trade show or seller’s marketplace), Website Sales (Web Commerce including shopping cart), B-B (Business to Business), B-C (Business to Consumer), Amazon Sales, Ebay Sales, etc. with all these market places flowing to one centralized management system that fully integrates with QuickBooks.  The Agiliron Ecommerce Solution helps to sell in more places but manage in one.

Listen to the podcast to learn more…you can hear the full conversation here