Criterion Close-Up

Criterion Close-Up

Latest Episodes

CCU34: A Conversation with Michele Rosenthal
March 30, 2016

Mark and Aaron are joined by Michele Rosenthal, professional illustrator and Criterion fan artist. She's also a Criterion fan, but approaches the label from a different angle compared to most collectors. We talk to her about her process, passion, and...

CCU33: The Graduate (1967)
March 20, 2016

Mark, Aaron, and Tim are seduced by plastics. We explore what turned out to be a pivotal film in Hollywood history. The Graduate paved the way for many films to come, from casting lead actors, film structure, cinematography, and to the use of music in...

CCU32: The Gross Out Episode (Part Two)
March 13, 2016

Mark, Aaron, Cole, and Dustin are back to continue the conversation about "Gross Out" films. This time we strike a balance between artistry and filth, and try to find redeeming qualities in some of the films considered to be among the grossest of all...

CCU31: Antichrist (2009) & The Gross-Out Episode (Part One)
March 08, 2016

Mark, Aaron, Cole, and Dustin go further than most people want to go. This is our exploration of the gross film, and whether the subgenre has any artistic merit. Our main episode is a deeper look at Lars von Trier's Antichrist (2009), followed by a...

CCU30: A Podcast About Podcasting
March 02, 2016

Mark and Aaron are joined by JD and Brendan from InSession Film Podcast to discuss the world of film podcasting. We talk about what led us to this new medium, how the community embraces and enhances it, and how much of an impact it has on our lives....

CCU29 - Fat Girl (2001)
February 21, 2016

Mark, Aaron and Kristen Sales give Catherine Breillat's Fat Girl a look. We look at Breillat's methods, and the points about women in society she is trying to make. We delve into feminism, fat shaming, and the dichotomy between the lives of men and...

CCU28: Slacker (1991)
February 14, 2016

Mark and Aaron are joined by Cole & Ericca from the Magic Lantern Podcast. They are Austin, TX residents and shed a lot of insight into this landmark independent film, Richard Linklater and his involvement in the Austin Film Society. They also...

CCU27: Canadian Close-Up
February 03, 2016

Mark and Aaron take a trip north to the wonderful world of Canada. This is a special, unscheduled episode to celebrate the O' Canada Blogathon. We talk about all things Canadian, including our Canadian Connections, film and media culture from Canada,...

CCU26 - Jellyfish Eyes (2013)
February 01, 2016

Mark and Aaron are joined by Matt Sheardown of ... Criterion Close-Up. You heard right. Long story. Matt is also a video games expert, so we borrowed his expertise as we broke down and evaluated the controversial Criterion release of Takashi...

CCU25: Dont Look Back (1967)
January 24, 2016

Mark, Aaron and Keith Enright give a look at D.A. Pennabaker's documentary portrait of Bob Dylan in Dont Look Back (the no apostrophe is intentional). This was a pivotal period in the artist's career, and both the film and the music were influential....