Criterion Close-Up

Criterion Close-Up

Latest Episodes

Criterion Close-Up 64: Hal Ashby
December 01, 2019

Mark and Aaron have the pleasure to discuss Hal Ashby with Amy Scott, director of the documentary “Hal” about the filmmaker, which is available on Oscilloscope. We discuss Hal’s aesthetic and the way he could tackle difficult subjects with realism and ...

Criterion Close-Up 63: Notorious (1946)
April 21, 2019

Mark and Aaron bring back Criterion Close-Up is back, this time with Jill Blake and Wade Sheeler from Drinking While Talking to dive into one of Hitchcock’s masterpieces. We look at the history with Selznick and how that helped develop Hitchcock’s late...

Criterion Close-Up 62: FilmSpotting, Cold Water
February 21, 2019

Yes, you read your podcast reader correctly. Criterion Close-Up is back! For this episode, Mark and Aaron kick things back on, and then dig into a conversation with Adam Kempenaar from FilmSpotting. This was initially recorded for Criterion Now,

Criterion Close-Up 61: The Rose
September 09, 2017

Mark and Aaron take a trip down memory lane. This is not only the first Criterion Close-Up episode, but the first time that we had podcasted together. The episode is a little rough, as would be expected, but we hope you'll enjoy hearing us as we...

CCU61 - The Rose
September 09, 2017

Mark and Aaron take a trip down memory lane. This is not only the first Criterion Close-Up episode, but the first time that we had podcasted together. The episode is a little rough, as would be expected, but we hope you'll enjoy hearing us as we...

CCU60 - Julien Duvivier in the 1960s
May 06, 2017

Mark, Aaron, David and Trevor return for part two of our exploration of the under-appreciated French director, Julien Duvivier. The first episode, Eclipse Viewier 54, looked at the first two films in his Eclipse set. This episode looks at the peak of...

Criterion Close-Up 60 – Julien Duvivier in the 1960s
May 06, 2017

Mark, Aaron, David and Trevor return for part two of our exploration of the under-appreciated French director, Julien Duvivier. The first episode, Eclipse Viewier 54, looked at the first two films in his Eclipse set. This episode looks at the peak of...

Criterion Close-Up 59: Late Spring and the Films of Yasujiro Ozu
March 12, 2017

Mark, Aaron and Matt Gasteier explore the filmmaking world of Yasujirō Ozu, centering on his pivotal masterpiece Late Spring (1949). It would be impossible to explore all of his dozens of his films in one episode, so we give an overview of his work,...

59: Late Spring and the Films of Yasujiro Ozu
March 12, 2017

Mark, Aaron and Matt Gasteier explore the filmmaking world of Yasujirō Ozu, centering on his pivotal masterpiece Late Spring (1949). It would be impossible to explore all of his dozens of his films in one episode, so we give an overview of his work,...

CCU58: Punch-Drunk Love and the Films of Paul Thomas Anderson
February 07, 2017

Mark and Aaron get back to this century with a look at Paul Thomas Anderson’s Punch-Drunk Love. Naturally we talk about Adam Sandler’s dramatic acting jobs, and, well, what happened to them? We go further into PTA’s career, film by film,...