Crisis On Infinite Midlives

Crisis On Infinite Midlives

Latest Episodes

Episode 135: I Like To Light Things On Fire
December 05, 2016

After a year of superheroes beating on each other in comic books and in not one, but two different cinematic universes, sometimes you just need a good, old-fashioned superhero team-up. You know, where the good guys fight each other at first because of ...

Episode 134: Ragegiving
November 28, 2016

Last week was Thanksgiving in the United States, a holiday where family members travel for hours and miles to share a table with family members and take a moment to express gratitude for the good things in their life.

Episode 133: The Dirty Batusi
November 21, 2016

It has been a weird couple of weeks here in the United States. Any week where the honest-to-God news in your local newspaper is more contentious, rancorous and secret identity-obsessed than your average comic book is one where talking about what comic ...

Episode 132: Coke : Pepsi :: Constantine : Doctor Strange
November 07, 2016

Sorry this week’s episode is late, but we had this thing, and we are late because of it. However! This past weekend, Marvel Studios’ Doctor Strange opened in theaters, marking not only the latest film in Phase Three,

Episode 131: Gaijin Roll
October 30, 2016

This week, the paperback edition of celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain’s graphic novel Get Jiro: Blood and Sushi, was released. This book is a prequel to his 2012 sci-fi comic Get Jiro!, and like the original, it is steeped in modern foodie culture.

Episode 130: Skeeball Jesus
October 16, 2016

We’re back, after yet another interruption – this time, we left the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office to go to the American Classic Arcade Museum, where Amanda beat her personal best on Centipede, and Rob, after 30 years,

Episode 129: I Wanna Go To Canadian Jail
October 02, 2016

We are more than halfway through Marvel’s Civil War II summer event, which, like most Marvel summer events, has dragged into the fall with no end before the darkest days of winter in sight. And while we previously have idly wondered how Marvel intends ...

Episode 128: Show Me On The Doll Where Lee Majors Touched You
September 18, 2016

After yet another cripplingly busy week at the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office (and, to be honest, after about a quart of single malt scotch and a few belts of mescal), we only had the time to discuss a few of the comics of the week.

Episode 127: Happy Anniversary, or: The 90s Threw Up In My Eyes
September 04, 2016

It is the Labor Day long weekend here in the United States, and considering there was little comics news this week, we strongly considered taking a pass on a show this week. However! A quick peek at our Web site archives reminded us that today,

Episode 126: Team Batmanuel
August 28, 2016

We’re not gonna apologize here: we love The Tick. During the 1980s Rob was a regular customer of the Brockton, MA New England Comics retail store where The Tick was born, Amanda was a fan of the 1990s Fox cartoon that brought the character to national ...