Crisis On Infinite Midlives

Latest Episodes
Episode 165: Whiskey Tango Motherbox
Justice League was released to theaters in the United States last weekend, and, to put it mildly, it underperformed. In the same way that the Atlanta Falcons underperformed in last year’s Super Bowl. Sure, there was a lot of weird buzz about reshoots a...
Episode 164: Get Opie
There’s a new Thor movie out. If history were a guide, this would excite us not at all. While we have been, and still generally are, fully in the tank for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we have not seen any of the Thor movies in an actual movie theater...
Episode 163: Batgirl’s Gap Year
We are now fully into Marvel’s Legacy initiative to step back from years of event overload and senseless character deaths, and to reintroduce simpler, more classic versions of the character back into the monthly issues.
Episode 162: Hey Girl, Are You An Electric Sheep?
DC has been teasing the inclusion of elements of Watchmen into DC Rebirth for nearly a year and a half now, which has made us, Rob especially, very nervous. That inclusion has been kept down to a dull roar until this past weekend,
Episode 161: Forbush Man: The Motion Picture
With everything that’s been going on at the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office (goodbye flood, hello nine-foot curtain hanging!), we’ve been a little late to the party on Marvel’s latest Netflix series, The Defenders. Again,
Episode 160: Rye and Moxie and a Little Cranky
It was yet another berserk week at the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office, with more workmen in the house, the building of massive shelving that, Tardis-like, is somehow bigger on the inside, and family members evacuating South Florida to escape H...
Episode 159: Cthulhu Sausage
We are back, after a lengthier-than-expected parental visit, an unexpected recording studio flood, extended remediation of water damage, and a certain amount of recording equipment replacement and testing. So please: be gentle.
Episode 158: SDCC 2017 Wrap-Up, or: Hall H Can Smell Your Fear
We are back and recovered from San Diego Comic Con 2017. SDCC is a show we’ve attended more than almost any other, and yet this year it seemed, I don’t know… bigger. More oppressive. More willing to empty your wallet and leave you for dead,
Episode 157: SDCC 2017 Part 1, or: Live Your Truth, Just Not on My Pants
The first official day of San Diego Comic-Con 2017 was yesterday, and we are doing shows live (to tape) from the belly of the beast. Being our first day back to SDCC in three years, we discuss what’s changed in the intervening time,
Episode 156: Weaponized Continuity, or: Michael Keaton’s Rhinoceros
We’re a little late to the party when it comes to Spider-Man: Homecoming, which opened a week and a half ago to the tune of 200 million dollars and 93% on Rotten Tomatoes. But late or no, there’s a lot to unpack in the movie,