Crisis On Infinite Midlives

Crisis On Infinite Midlives

Episode 108: Your Mother Works At Applebees, or: Dissecting Batman V Superman

April 03, 2016

If you've listened to this show for any length of time, you know that Rob has long been a defender of Man of Steel as potentially an excellent Superman movie, provided that we discover in subsequent sequels that Superman learned from the events of that movie to become more of the hero that we all know from the comics.

Well, the first sequel, Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, was finally released last week, finally answering the question as to whether Rob's faith in Man of Steel was justified. And I think we all know the answer to that question.

But it's still a question worth probing. So this week, we're joined by longtime friends of the show, comedians Ross Garmil and Benari Poulten, not to praise Batman V Superman, but to bury it. And while we all agree that there were some positive aspects to the movie (hi, Wonder Woman!), it is far outweighed by plot problems, a Lex Luthor who wants to be The Joker when he grows up, and a Superman who will do anything to defend Justice provided "Justice" is Lois Lane's stripper name. If nothing else, it made us nostalgic for Christopher Reeve's version of Superman, or at least Joe Kelly's version in What's So Funny About Truth, Justice and The American Way?