Chunky Larry's Creature Features

Chunky Larry's Creature Features

Creature Features Episode 36: Day Of The Dead

May 27, 2016

In 1968 George Romero released NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD subsequently rebirthing audiences interest in the Zombie genre. 10 years later he would expand on his vision of a world falling apart with DAWN OF THE DEAD, a film met with critical and financial success that set him in the upper echelon of horror film makers. 7 years after that Romero embarked on his most ambitious entry in the series but budget restrictions forced him to scale back to a much more intimate claustrophobic tale of the end of the world that stands as his favorite in the series. On July 19th, 1985 George A. Romero's DAY OF THE DEAD is released inviting audiences to the darkest day the world has ever known