Creation Science Podcast - Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network

Biblical Creation Terminology

In order to have an intelligent discussion, you must understand the terms. Biblical Creation terminology is the focus of this podcast.
Thanks to Media Angels website featuring Creation Science Unit Studies for an unbelievable
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Biblical Creation vs. Evolution:
A quick definition of Biblical Creation begins with the Creator God. A Creator God began the world with His Word. Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
Evolution – by definition is a change over time, it is a two-step process.
1. The theory that life began spontaneously on its own
2. Darwin’s theory of simple life evolving into more complex
The terminology is confusing.
Terminology is everything. “He who defines the term wins.”
What is in a word?
1. Creation science
2. Biblical Creation
3. Old Earth Creationist
1. Macro Evolution
2. Convergent Evolution
3. Darwinism
4. Neo-Darwinism
5. Old Earth
6. Theistic Evolution
God created the world with His Word. Genesis 1:1
Do you believe that God created? It is a matter of faith, evidence points to a Creator.
Intelligent Design:
An “Intelligent” Designer began the world
Science points to order not disorder
Evolution does not make sense in regard to life beginning by accident
The Designer could be:
1. God (for Christians)
2. Aliens
3. Unknown
Scientists are conflicted and confused when discussing this aspect of evolution. The idea that traits are inherited by use and disuse is unscientific. The theory is that an organism adapts or alters according to certain genetic limits or due to circumstances.
Creationists do believe that adaptation does happen within certain generic limits. Adaptation happens within a kind. For example, there are different kinds of dogs, cats, finch, etc.
However, dogs remain dogs. New creatures or new features are never observed through adaptation.
1.Evolution of populations with species
2. Evolutionary biologists involved in the debate over what the term means
3. Based on the word “species”
4. Signifies a small step along evolution from one basic kind to another (false)
5. Variation should be used instead
6. Changes that occur with certain characteristics
Evolutionary scientists:
1. Have faith in evolution
2. Will not back down even with the lack of evidence
3. Bottom line: atheists, agnostics or Bible believers who see evolution evidence through evolutionary filters
4. Those who believe God created the world as stated in Genesis
a. take Genesis and the entire Bible in faith
b. Believe science confirms the Bible
Special Thanks to Our Network Sponsor – CTC Math
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