Creation Science Podcast - Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network

Latest Episodes
Creation and Evolution Beliefs (Replay)
Creation and Evolution Beliefs Creation and evolution beliefs are just that a topic that deals with looking at the evidence and perhaps with a different conclusion. In this podcast, Felice shares he
Biblical Creation Terminology
Biblical Creation Terminology In order to have an intelligentdiscussion, you must understand the terms.Biblical Creation terminology is the focus of this podcast. - Thanks to Media Angels website fe
What Happened To The Dinosaurs for Kids
For Kids! What Happened To The Dinosaurs? Episode 7 To understand a bit about what happened to the Dinosaurs, it is best to begin in Genesis. Understanding how man sinned shows us that the Garden of Eden a haven for Adam and Eve and all the animals be...
Evolution Taught To Kids | Replay
Evolution Taught To Kids As Truth ~ Episode I've heard it all! Evolution has nothing to do with a kid's faith. But when evolution is taught to kids as truth the problems begin. It is one of the reasons that kids leave their faith as they get older.
Creation Matters
Creation Matters Does Creation Matter? Why does the discussion on how God created the world matter? Did God really create the world in six days and rest on the seventh? Does anyone really care? These
Creation Anatomy
Creation Anatomy Creation Anatomy is a study of looking at the body through a different set of lenses, lenses with a creationist perspective. Can you see God's creation in the human body? The answer is yes! -
What Happened To The Dinosaurs
For Kids! What Happened To The Dinosaurs? Episode 7 To understand a bit about what happened to the Dinosaurs, it is best to begin in Genesis. Understanding how man sinned shows us that the Garden of E
Global Flood
The Global Flood Episode 17 Thanks to our sponsor, A Fanthom Presents Film The Ark and The Darkness Movie Trailer here:NoahsFlood - In theaters March 20-21! Noahs Flood is preserved in ancient w
Replay | Creation Matters
Does Creation Matter? Creation matters, yes. Why does the discussion on how God created the world matter? Did God really create the world in six days and rest on the seventh? Does anyone really care?
Truth Seekers Mystery Series | Special Replay
Truth Seekers Mystery Series Episode Join Felice Gerwitz as she interviews her co-author in the Truth Seeker's Mystery Series, Christina (Gerwitz) Moss. Christina shares her homeschool experience and