Art Unknown Podcast

Art Unknown Podcast

Ep36 Lé Secret

January 16, 2020

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"Art is basic human language." - Aaron Burris-DeBoskey, Lé Secret
What do you get when you combine the talents of three very accomplished musicians onto a stage where anything goes? We'd tell you, but it's Lé Secret. Aaron Burris-DeBoskey brings the guitar with a plethora of pedals to transform, modulate and otherwise alter every note that comes from his strings. Add in Jakey Wherry on what can be loosely defined as keyboard and synthesizer. The sheer volume of wires and plugs indicates that his instrument is so much more. And finally, add in a percussionist of the first caliber in Chris Hewitt. His job is not the traditional timekeeping role of a drummer, but more of a lead, fill and follow type of role.
In fact the three all take turns leading, then eventually going off on their own while one of the other picks up the rhythm or more often than not pushes through with their own disjointed musical cadence. At times, the third member is off on their own journey, completely ignoring the other two, neither leading nor following.
This, friends is improvisational noise music.
Coming together through a shared love of Balinese gamelan Aaron, Chris, Jakey and I got to sit down and chat about music and the arts before a live audience.
We are so thrilled and thankful to our friends at The Mercury Cafe in Denver, Colorado for hosting this live episode of the podcast. And we want to thank those again who came out to support the arts and to enjoy what can only be described as Lé Secret.

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