Around the Rheum

Episode 41: ANCA Vasculitis with Dr. Arielle Mendel - Part 1
Dr. Arielle Mendel is Dan and Janet's guest on this first of two episodes focused on ANCA Vasculitis.
In this fascinating conversation, they focus on induction treatment, Cyclo vs Ritux, PLEX vs no PLEX, and a bit about steroid dosing. They reference several leading trials in the area.
Dr. Mendel is a scientist at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre. She is also an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University and a Rheumatologist at the MUHC. Her research focuses on patient safety in systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases, with an aim to improve medication safety. She was the first author on the CanVasc consensus recommendations for the management of ANCA vasculitis 2020 update.
If you have questions you would like answered by the experts, please get in touch with us through the CRA Twitter account (@crascrrheum) or by e-mail ( For future Medical Mysteries episodes, please contact us if you have challenging cases you want to present on the podcast!
A special thank you to the podcast team, Dr. Dax G. Rumsey (CRA Communications Committee Chair), Dr. Daniel Ennis (Host), Dr. Janet Pope (host), David McGuffin (Producer, Explore Podcast Productions), and Erin Stewart (Marketing and Communications Director, CRA) for leading production. Our theme music was composed by Aaron Fontwell.
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