CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

Latest Episodes

How Rep. Ken Calvert Took One For the GOP Team
November 12, 2015

Confederate Flag Flap Lingers Over Spending Bill

Lobbying for Indian Gaming Flourishes a Decade After Scandal
November 11, 2015

The Jack Abramoff Scandal Hasn't Ruined the Lucrative Business

Copycat Drugs Raise The Question: What’s In a Name?
November 09, 2015

Why More Generic Drugs Aren't Being Approved By The FDA

Kevin Brady:Will "Relentlessly Pursue Tax Reform"
November 06, 2015

House Ways & Means Chairman Wants “Reagan-Style” Tax Code

Where Does the Tussle Over Encryption Stand in a Post-Snowden World?
November 03, 2015

Debate Pits National Security Against Privacy

Highway Funding Crunch Presses Congress
November 02, 2015

Democrats Want a Gas Tax Increase

Obama's Clean Power Plan Faces Court Challenges
November 02, 2015

Administration Hopes to Use Plan to Strike International Climate Accord

Why The Obama Administration Is Tiptoeing Through Syria
October 30, 2015

The Price of Indecision

Why Tens of Millions of Americans Lack High-Speed Internet
October 30, 2015

Initiatives to Expand Broadband Nationwide

Budget Deal:Fragile Truce?
October 28, 2015

Winner and Losers Of The Two-Year Agreement