CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

Latest Episodes

Why Trump is Slow-Walking His Trade Policy
April 07, 2017

President Donald Trump is taking his time reshaping his trade policies, says CQ Roll Call's trade reporter Ellyn Ferguson. She provides valuable insight on where things stand with the president's campaign pledges to rip up NAFTA and officially...

Why You Shouldn't Count On the Trump Tax Cuts
March 31, 2017

President Trump has promised big tax cuts but as CQ Roll Call's tax editor Catalina Camia explains a tangled web of interests and Republican disunity in Congress could spoil efforts for the first major tax legislation in 30 years.

House Russia Inquiry Goes Public With FBI, NSA
March 17, 2017

In a highly anticipated hearing, the House Intelligence Committee's investigation of Russia's election meddling makes its public debut with lawmakers set to press the directors of the FBI and the NSA about the Kremlin's interference operation and...

GOP's Achilles' Heel: Medicaid
March 10, 2017

As Republicans push full steam ahead with repealing and replacing Obamacare, cuts in Medicaid may become an issue that could not only further divide the party but can have severe consequences for state budgets and recipients, says CQ Roll Call's...

FCC Moves to Weaken Internet Privacy Safeguards
March 03, 2017

Could Lead to Changing Net Neutrality Rules That Prevent Web Content Discrimination

The New Liberal Tea Party and What it Can Learn From its Foes
February 17, 2017

Democrats and liberals hoping to build a movement against the policies of President Donald Trump should take a page out of the Tea Party's 2010 movement and focus on "policies that build power," says Vanessa Williamson, the co-author of the 2012 book...

The Public Education of Betsy DeVos
February 10, 2017

After a bruising Senate confirmation process, Betsy DeVos is now Education Department chief. But she still has a lot of distrust to overcome, says CQ Roll Call’s education reporter Emily Wilkins. Even so, she's poised to influence how Congress and...

How Trump and His Supreme Court Pick Could Clash Over Religion
February 03, 2017

Based on federal appellate court Judge Neil Gorsuch’s previous rulings in religious cases, President Donald Trump could find himself at odds with his Supreme Court nominee over the executive order restricting refugees and immigrants from countries...