CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

Latest Episodes

The GOP Tax Plan Unpacked
November 03, 2017

In a special episode of The Week Ahead and Budget Tracker Extra podcasts, CQ journalists Shawn Zeller, David Lerman and Peter Cohn take a deep dive into the new tax bill and explain what it would mean for corporations, small businesses and individuals.

Congress Aims to Rein In Government Snoops
October 27, 2017

A bipartisan cast of lawmakers, including Sen. Ron Wyden, plan to curtail the government's surveillance powers that must be renewed by the end of the year, says CQ intelligence reporter Gopal Ratnam.  

America's Iran Quandary and Why Money Can't Prevent Military Mishaps
October 20, 2017

CQ foreign policy reporter Rachel Oswald and Kelsey Davenport of the Arms Control Association explain why Congress is in no rush to change the Iran nuclear deal. And CQ defense reporter John M. Donnelly argues the Pentagon does not...

Trump Upends Obamacare
October 13, 2017

Foiled in Congress, President Donald Trump made far-reaching changes to the 2010 health care law that could make insurance more affordable for some, while dramatically raising costs for others, says CQ Health Editor Rebecca Adams. She explains how...

The Trump Doctrine on Foreign Policy
October 06, 2017

Donald Trump, the candidate, pledged to withdraw from foreign conflicts. As president, he has done the opposite, taking on North Korea, Iran, Cuba and Afghanistan. CQ Defense Editor Patrick Pexton and Reporter Patrick Kelley unpack what's at...

High Court to Weigh In on Gay Rights, Redistricting and Immigration
September 29, 2017

CQ legal affairs writer Todd Ruger drills down on the cases before the Supreme Court this new term and the justices who may tip the scales.

Latest Obamacare Repeal Bill Unravels
September 22, 2017

Sen. John McCain's opposition to the latest Republican bill to repeal Obamacare may well kill it, says Roll Call Senate reporter Niels Lesniewski. CQ health reporter Mary Ellen McIntire explains what's in the bill.

Trump's Immigration Reversal Risks GOP Revolt
September 15, 2017

CQ immigration editor Catalina Camia explains why President Trump and Democrats are working on a deal to help 800,000 young, undocumented immigrants stay in the country, and why that angers many of Trump's biggest Republican supporters.

New Capitol Hill Trifecta
September 08, 2017

CQ's budget editor David Lerman and Senate leadership reporter Niels Lesniewski explain the policy and political impact of the deal struck between President Donald Trump and Democratic leaders to resolve several thorny government spending issues...

Trump Agenda Rests on Tax Overhaul
September 01, 2017

The Week Ahead