CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

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Some Red States Coming Around to Obamacare
June 15, 2018

Voters in some GOP-leaning states will get a chance to adopt the 2010 health care law's Medicaid expansion by ballot initiative this November while others may elect governors who support it, says CQ health care reporter Misty Williams. It's an...

Cake Case Leaves Gay Rights Questions Unanswered
June 08, 2018

CQ Supreme Court Reporter Todd Ruger and University of Colorado Law Professor Craig Konnoth say that the Supreme Court victory of a Colorado baker, who refused to bake a cake for a gay couple, could be short-lived, given the court's narrow decision in...

Putting Trump's Immigration Crackdown in Context
June 01, 2018

President Donald Trump's move to criminally prosecute migrants crossing the border illegally, and to separate them from their children, aims to end the longstanding practice of releasing immigrants into the country, pending deportation, says CQ...

Why the Made-for-TV Summit With North Korea Flopped
May 25, 2018

President Donald Trump's decision to cancel his planned summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un marks a failure of communications and messaging by both sides says Jenny Town, managing editor of the think tank 38 North, a website that...

Trump Misses NAFTA Deadline
May 18, 2018

President Donald Trump's trade agenda is in disarray after his negotiators failed to reach a deal to revise the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico by May 17, when congressional Republicans said they would need it in order to...

Conservatives Fight Trump on Trade When Congress Won't
May 11, 2018

As tensions mount over several Trump administration trade initiatives, CQ's Shawn Zeller talks with Bryan Riley of the National Taxpayers Union, which is part of a coalition of conservative groups that oppose President Donald Trump's policies.

Opioid Legislation on Deck
May 04, 2018

Legislation aimed at helping communities deal with the opioid addiction crisis is moving through the Senate and House, despite Democrats' disgruntlement about the process. CQ health reporter Sandhya Raman provides details on the proposed legislation...

Trump's Iran Deadline Is Nearly Here
April 27, 2018

President Trump has set a May 12 deadline for deciding whether to pull out of the 2015 deal with Iran to rollback its nuclear program. He has harshly criticized it, but is under pressure from foreign allies and even some in his administration to keep...

New Climate Change Threats Alarm Scientists
April 20, 2018

A CQ Magazine special report this week examines alarming new consequences of climate change, such as beetles killing trees, coral reef die-offs and food losing nutritional value. Brenda Ekwurzel of the Union of Concerned Scientists and CQ...

Pentagon Reluctant to Enter Syrian War
April 13, 2018

Defense Secretary James Mattis fears wider U.S. involvement in Syria could "spiral out of control," even as President Donald Trump is threatening a strike. And with the Iran nuclear deal still up in the air, U.S. diplomacy is crippled by the vacancy...