CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

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Why Angry Senators Are Ready to Break Up With Saudi Arabia
October 19, 2018

Senators are considering several options to punish Saudi Arabia over the suspected murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, says CQ foreign policy reporter Rachel Oswald. She adds that lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have grown frustrated...

Congressional Staffers Speak Out
October 12, 2018

Shawn Zeller recaps the results of CQ's Capitol Insiders Survey, a poll of congressional staffers about the midterms and other topics, with expert analysis from two former aides to top congressional leaders, Lisa Camooso Miller, who was a spokeswoman...

Bipartisan Opioids Bill Explained
October 05, 2018

CQ Health reporter Sandhya Raman explains what's in the sweeping opioids bill that Congress cleared on Oct. 3 – just in time for lawmakers to campaign on the issue before the November midterm elections.

An Anita Hill Skeptic Doubts Kavanaugh
September 28, 2018

Legal analyst Stuart Taylor Jr., a well known critic of the fairness of rape investigations, to men, says Christine Blasey Ford was credible enough, and Brett Kavanaugh evasive enough, to give senators reason to vote against Kavanaugh's nomination to...

How to Read Midterm Polls
September 21, 2018

While Washington is obsessed with the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, voters — Republicans and Democrats— are more concerned about the economy, says Democratic pollster Brad Bannon, who adds that the positive top-line numbers cloak...

Trump's FDA Takes on Tobacco
September 14, 2018

In an administration proud of its deregulatory approach, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb has defied the trend. He's proposed to mandate lower nicotine levels in cigarettes and suggested a willingness to crack down on electronic cigarette products...

Anti-Trump Fervor Puts Senate in Play
September 07, 2018

Democrats "definitely have a chance to win the Senate,'' election analyst Nathan Gonzales tells CQ on Congress. He maps out where Democrats can pick up Senate seats in the midterm elections as well as which races they are most likely to lose. 

Congress Expands Oversight of Social Media
August 31, 2018

Twitter, Facebook and possibly Google executives are preparing to testify before Senate and House committees next week over concerns that foreign governments could use their platforms to interfere in the upcoming midterm elections. CQ cybersecurity...

Battle Lines for the Supreme Court
August 24, 2018

Democrats are pushing for a delay in upcoming confirmation hearings for Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, arguing that Kavanaugh could ultimately sit in judgment of the president if Trump's legal problems reach the court. CQ legal...