CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

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What's in an impeachment trial?
January 24, 2020

CQ Roll Call takes listeners inside Congress to where the impeachment trial is happening and shares its insightful observations from reporters. Also, we compare and contrast the impeachment of President Clinton to President Trump. How have times changed?

Historic impeachment trial begins. Now what?
January 16, 2020

With elections looming, how politically perilous is the impeachment trial for senators — on both sides of the aisle — who are up for re-election in November? We turn to CQ Roll Call's elections analyst Nathan Gonzales to look at some key races and how imp

Between Iraq and a hard place: Congress
January 09, 2020

CQ on Congress begins 2020 by examining what's next after the targeted killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad. Host Shawn Zeller talks to two Iraq War veterans, Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., and Rep. Ruben Gallego, D-Ariz., to get their tak

House Dems in Trump districts risk it all with impeachment vote
December 19, 2019

Elissa Slotkin is one of 31 House Democrats who represents a district Trump won in 2016. Nearly all of them voted to impeach Trump this week. But Slotkin’s decision is not sitting well with some of her constituents, which republicans hope will hurt her in

Curbing unexpected medical bills has bipartisan backing in Congress
December 13, 2019

Many Americans have been to the hospital in an emergency, or for a procedure, only to get a huge bill after because a doctor treating them doesn’t take their insurance. Republicans and Democrats have reached agreement on legislation to ban so-called surpr

How robocalls may be the thing to unite Congress
December 06, 2019

Those pesky robocalls may be the one thing that this deeply divided Congress can agree on. A bill passed by the House this week by New Jersey Democrat Frank Pallone aims to combat the billions of automated phone calls that flood this country's phone lines

To beat Trump, Democrats need to win Wisconsin. The impeachment inquiry isn't helping.
November 22, 2019

Donald Trump won Wisconsin in 2016 by just 27,000 votes. Now, to beat him in 2020, it is crucial that Democrats win the state. A new poll from Marquette University Law School finds that Democrats face an uphill battle and, it seems, the impeachment hearin

New witnesses emerge after first week of public impeachment hearings
November 15, 2019

House Democrats made the case for impeachment public this week. Three witnesses, Foreign Service officers in charge of U.S. relations with Ukraine, confirmed that President Trump pressured that country to investigate his political rival, Joe Biden. Republ

The House voted to make the impeachment inquiry public. Now what?
November 01, 2019

After weeks of frustration from House republicans, a majority of Democrats (and independent Justin Amash) voted to create rules for the ongoing impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump. According to House Democrats, the rules will bring the impeachme