CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

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Political Theater's The Transition: Where do we go from here?
January 15, 2021

As Washington gears up to host the inauguration of the 46th president of the United States next week, the country is on edge. After the January 6 insurrection on the Capitol and lawmakers, security officials are leaving nothing to chance. The city is in l

Political Theater's The Transition: The ‘Who’s on First’ impeachment trial
January 14, 2021

As the baseball and life philosopher Yogi Berra said: It’s like déjà vu all over again! Why? Because it’s January and we’re preparing for an impeachment trial. But who would preside over a second impeachment trial for Donald Trump — if he's not president

Health: Biden's health policy plans
January 14, 2021

President-elect Joe Biden's incoming health care team is likely to use executive actions and the regulatory process to roll back Trump administration health policies. CQ Roll Call's Mary Ellen McIntire reports. 2:11 Learn more about your ad choices. Vis

Equal Time with Mary C. Curtis: "White Rage"
January 14, 2021

In Carol Anderson's book “White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide,” she reframes the conversation about race, methodically chronicling the powerful forces that have historically impeded Black progress in America. She speaks with Mary C. Curtis

Political Theater's The Transition: Chaos and mistrust on Capitol Hill
January 12, 2021

We are learning more about what law enforcement knew before the insurrection at the Capitol last week and it’s not a pretty picture. The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the FBI wrote a stark report warning of violence but no one seemed to pay attent

CQ Budget: How does budget reconciliation work?
January 12, 2021

With slim majorities in the House and Senate, Democrats are likely going to rely heavily on budget reconciliation to pass major legislation. What is budget reconciliation and how does it work? CQ Roll Call’s David Lerman and Jennifer Shutt break it down.

Fintech Beat: Making fintech flourish
January 12, 2021

Emmalyn Shaw, the Managing Partner at Flourish, the socially-minded VC fund founded by Ebay Founder Pierre Omidyar, joins the podcast to talk fintech in our latest investor interview with Amias Gerety. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/

Political Theater's The Transition: Congress in turmoil
January 11, 2021

With less than 10 days before Joe Biden gets sworn in as president, Congress is reeling from the assault on the Capitol and what it will mean to govern. House Democrats introduced impeachment again on Monday, this time charging President Trump with "incit

CQ Future: The office
January 11, 2021

When the pandemic finally ends it is hard to imagine what going to the office will mean.  Employers will be hard pressed to eliminate the flexibility that their workers have grown accustomed to. Is this the end of commercial real estate? CQ Roll Call's Sh

Political Theater's The Transition: President Trump's death rattle
January 08, 2021

If anyone thought 2021 would come in like a lamb this week's events prove otherwise. Insurrection, treason, 25th amendment are all terms being tossed around in reaction to President Trump's rally cry to incite his followers to descend on the Capitol. What