CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

Latest Episodes

Budget deep dive: The return of earmarks in Congress
March 19, 2021

The House Republican Conference will allow its members to submit earmark requests, ending a decade-old prohibition. CQ Roll Call’s Jennifer Shutt and David Lerman discuss whether Senate Republicans will follow suit and what earmarks mean for the appropria

CQ Future: Vaccine passports
March 19, 2021

The EU is considering requiring citizens to get a vaccine passport to move freely around Europe. After more than a year of lockdowns, some may embrace the idea. The U.S. is also weighing its options. But could a vaccine passport be a vehicle for discrimin

Health: J&J vaccine delays pose challenges
March 18, 2021

Johnson & Johnson is under pressure to deliver its promised 20 million vaccine doses by the end of the month, as several state public health officials indicate the manufacturer is falling behind. Emily Kopp has more on the uncertainty ahead as demand for

Political Theater: What Deb Haaland at Interior means for Native Americans
March 18, 2021

Native Americans have long had a contentious relationship with the Interior Department. Now one of their own is at the helm of it, Deb Haaland, an enrolled member of the Pueblo of Laguna. It was only in 2018 that the New Mexico Democrat made history as on

Fintech Beat: Roboadvising 101 with Wealthfront’s Andy Rachleff
March 16, 2021

Wealthfront CEO Andy Rachleff joins Fintech Beat to explain the operational mechanics and economics of roboadvising, and how the technology in the industry differs from the rest of the fintech ecosystem. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.f

CQ Future: Restaurants
March 12, 2021

We began this series last year to examine how the COVID 19 crisis has influenced public policy decisions. This week we reprised some of our podcasts to mark the one-year anniversary of the realization that the world was facing a pandemic. In this episode,

CQ Future: Working mothers
March 11, 2021

We began this series last year to examine how the COVID 19 crisis has influenced public policy decisions. This week we are reprising some of our podcasts to mark the one-year anniversary of the realization that the world was facing a pandemic. In December

Political Theater: Making sense of Congress, one year into the pandemic
March 11, 2021

One year into the COVID-19 pandemic, Political Theater takes stock of the changes in Congress and how it operates, which of those will be lasting, which are fleeting, and what are some of the lingering uncertainties of political life as lawmakers figure o

Equal Time: What the pandemic taught America about racial injustice
March 11, 2021

It's been one year since the global pandemic hit. Most Americans had no idea what was in store. The numbers of those impacted by COVID-19 are staggering. More than half a million American lives have been lost to the virus. And for people of color, the neg

CQ Future: Public Transport
March 10, 2021

We began this series last year to examine how the pandemic was influencing public policy decisions. This week we are reprising some of our episodes to mark the one-year anniversary of the moment when most Americans realized the magnitude of the threat and