

Latest Episodes

Change Your Circumstances, Have Your Happiness
March 27, 2019

We all have either experienced a point in time or will endure a period in our lives where we are unsatisfied. What most of us fail to realize is that the pursuit of happiness starts with change. Changing your mindset and the perception in which you...

Leave with Intention
March 13, 2019

Our decisions are often common factors that make or break our future. There will come a time where one must make the conscious decision to remain in a job, position or situation that isn't conducive to the things they desire to achieve. The moment you...

The Expectations of Parenthood
February 27, 2019

On today's episode, the expectations of parenting and results based upon how children turn out will be discussed. Becoming a parent is one of the most beautiful, difficult and intimidating job that one can have. Regardless of how you raise your kids,...

Build -A- Man Workshop
February 14, 2019

Life would be so much sweeter if only we had the ability to build the, "perfect" mate. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a perfect person. However, there is a special someone for everybody. We are all flawed, have suffered pain or heartbreak in...

Depression, Denial and Self Medication
February 06, 2019

In this week's episode of, "CoxUncensored", the realm of depression and its prevalence in 2019 is discussed. The host, alongside her special guest, Leanna M., shares personal experiences with depression as well as their viewpoints on its cause in...

A Jack of All Trades and A Master of Nothing
January 30, 2019

Welcome to the first official episode of, "CoxUcensored". In today's podcast, I will be providing gems on small business startups, networking, utilizing your resources and taking a chance on yourself. I hope I was able to answer the questions to the...