Course Building Secrets® Podcast

Course Building Secrets® Podcast

Latest Episodes

Is Your Tech Winning the Popularity Contest?
February 10, 2021

In this episode, Tara gives 4 steps to finding the right tool. So often people pick a tool based on someone else's opinion versus what they actually need. Here are 4 ways to be confident you are picking the right tool for your business.

Tips For Producing New Content To Build Your Authority
February 08, 2021

In this episode, Tara talks about 2 main ways to keep inspired on new content for your publishing platform.

Do You Automate?
February 05, 2021

In this episode, Tara breaks down the 2 automation systems you need to successfully run an online course business. This common challenge plagues even the most experienced!

Have 2 Audiences? One for Sales and One for the Course -- Do This Tip
February 01, 2021

In this episode, Tara provides an important course building tip that will help you when you are selling your course to a buyer that isn't your learner - tune in now to listen in.

Are You Missing This Course Building Tip?
January 29, 2021

In this episode, Tara breaks down the common mistake that people make so you don't make it.

Is it a Course Or Membership Site?
January 27, 2021

In this episode, Tara helps to explain the difference between a course and a membership site.

Don't Start There, Start Here
January 26, 2021

In this episode, Tara breaks down a common challenge that people have when you are building your online course based on a specific case study.

Episode #150 - Are You Offering Risk Reversal? An Interesting Strategy
January 20, 2021

In this episode, Tara talks about an interesting pricing strategy for selling your online course (especially your beta).

Episode #149 - Which Comes First? Video or Worksheet?
December 18, 2020

In this episode, Tara tackles the age-old question similar to the "chicken or the egg" conversation - which comes first when you are building your online course? The videos or the worksheets? Learn about it today in this episode.

Episode #148 - How Your Online Course Can Be Like a Game
December 16, 2020

In this episode, Tara gives 5 ways to gamify your online course based on a simple game of Chutes and Ladders! Check it out in this episode.