COURAGEOUS FIT FEMALE - Get Healthy, Feel Comfortable in Your Body, Women over 40, Christian Health,

COURAGEOUS FIT FEMALE - Get Healthy, Feel Comfortable in Your Body, Women over 40, Christian Health,

Latest Episodes

59: Forgiveness & Grace When You Fall Off The Food Wagon
December 02, 2020

So you messed up after doing really well post recovery with those food temptations, sugar cravings, and food idolatry aka food fixation and now you can’t forgive yourself because you’ve fallen off of the food wagon?? There is no need to go beat...

58: What if Jesus was Coming to Town? What Would His Hotel Look Like?
November 30, 2020

When you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior your body becomes His temple. Yes, your body is where He dwells which means we gotta fix up the inside of us if we want to honor Him. From head to toe it all belongs to the Lord and if you’re like the...

57: 3 Easy Ways to Incorporate More Movement into Your Every Day
November 26, 2020

Incorporating movement into your every day activities is simple. That’s what we talk about in this episode. When you don’t move even in just a LITTLE way you start to lean towards laziness and the mindset of self instead of serving others and...

56: Praying for Your Food Freedom Breakthrough? How to Partner Faith with Breaking the Idolatry of Food
November 23, 2020

Have you been to God recently to ask how to handle the stronghold of food in your life and for a breakthrough towards food freedom? Today we’ll talk about what food freedom looks like, what it’s not, questions to ask yourself if you’re not even...

55.5: Is Throwing Away Leftover Food Wasteful? The Great “Clean Your Plate” Myth!
November 18, 2020

Most of us were brought up to clean up everything on our plate because we were told the food will go to waste if we didn’t. But (as grown ups) when we eat everything on our plate it leads to guilt and the never-ending shame game.    If you...

55: Your Spiritual Survival Guide To Special Occasions! Food, Peer Pressure, Family And Stress, Oh-my!
November 16, 2020

With food “season” always around the corner that means you’ll be stuffing your face. Again. Hello? You NEED a survival guide to get you through those times! (REALITY: Special occasions happen year round. Every month. And sometimes several times...

54: Find Food Freedom Through These 5 Simple Boundaries And Disciplines
November 10, 2020

In today’s episode I walk you through 5 simple boundaries and disciplines to help you find food freedom. We go through them together with stories and examples of how I go about it in my own life.  Having boundaries and disciplines in place...

53: 5 Proven Habits To Stop Food Fixation! Time To Stop Glorifying Food, Sisters!
November 08, 2020

In today’s episode I share 5 proven habits that have helped me to stop glorifying food and stop food fixation. I give examples for each of them so you can see how easy it is. Implement these habits into your life and see God shift the way that you...

52: Shame, Frustration, & Emotional Eating? This One App Was The Answer To My Prayers!
November 04, 2020

DESCRIPTION: Have you ever felt shameful about emotional eating? What about the frustration of wanting to eat healthy but not knowing how to get started? I know the feeling sisters! And that’s why I want to share this app with you. After many years...

51: ARE YOU SERVING IN VAIN? How Glorifying SERVICE Can Be Selfish!
November 02, 2020

Hey there Martha! It’s not easy to admit that we serve in vain. But that’s the truth!. If you still find yourself skipping your workouts because you NEED to take care of fill-in-the-blank well you’re in for a surprise! Or maybe not. Sometimes I...
