COURAGEOUS FIT FEMALE - Get Healthy, Feel Comfortable in Your Body, Women over 40, Christian Health,

COURAGEOUS FIT FEMALE - Get Healthy, Feel Comfortable in Your Body, Women over 40, Christian Health,

Latest Episodes

69: Is It Time To Break Up With The SCALE? How It Is Trapping You From Finding FOOD FREEDOM!
January 11, 2021

Do you find yourself stepping onto the scale to check your weight multiple times a day? Are you sick of how it’s controlling and mastering you from the people and things that matter most in life? Do you want to find food freedom but still feel...

68: How Your New Diet Might Be Stealing Your Most Meaningful Moments & What to Do About it!
January 06, 2021

It’s the new year so you’re on a new diet plan and as soon as you commit to it it’s like LIFE starts to revolve around IT (the diet)! For example, you stop showing up at family and friends gatherings because well… you know... you can’t just...

67: New Year, New You! Your NEVER GO BACK Roadmap for 2021
January 01, 2021

Let this new year be the year that you never go back to what DOESN’T WORK. How? Well, before you decide to eat better, get physically active, get rid of food idolatry, or anything new-year-resolution-related, you first need to ask yourself the right...

66: Planning to LOSE WEIGHT in the NEW YEAR? Then plan to Fail.
December 28, 2020

How many times have you attempted to lose weight and failed? Well, there’s a big chance that you WILL FAIL (again) IF you miss out on including this ONE thing in your weight loss planning and prep. This is essential yet overlooked, underappreciated,...

65: How to ENJOY HOLIDAY FOOD Without the GUILT?
December 22, 2020

It’s no secret that the holiday season comes with what seems like a never ending escape of the temptation of food. And all the seasonal foods make you anxious because of the guilt feeling that comes after indulging in the pumpkin pie, etc. If you...

64: 5 Ways To Establish Weight Loss Habits & Routines You Can’t Fail At! Weight Loss For Christians Series Part 4
December 21, 2020

When it comes to weight loss, I bet that establishing new habits and routines are NOT exactly the first thing that comes to mind. But if losing weight is one of your top goals to reach in 2021 - and you’re tired of failing at it - then this episode...

63: Identifying and Removing the IDOLS of Food, Diets, and Emotional Eating! Weight Loss For Christians Series Part 3
December 16, 2020

Are you still unsure if food, or diets, or emotional eating is an idol in your life? Personally, I had no clue that food idolatry was a problem I was facing and let me tell you it was taking the place of God and it was holding me back from the bigger...

62: Weight Loss And The Word. How Scripture Sets The Foundation For Your Weight Loss Plan. Weight Loss For Christians Series PART 2
December 14, 2020

You’ve been following the diets and recommendations of experts and fitness influencers to lose weight so why should you go to scripture for your weight loss plan?  Whether your weight loss plan is already working or not scripture is the...

61: Lies Vs. Truths Of Losing Weight The World’s Way! Weight Loss For Christians Series Part 1
December 09, 2020

Gimmicks, fads, hyped-up diets, keto, paleo, low-carb, intermittent fasting, overnight weight loss success, lose weight fast promises & diets, do it the easy way, lose 10 lbs of fat in a week! Should I keep going?! There are so many lies and...

60: Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail You Every Year
December 07, 2020

Every start of the year you have new year resolutions. You have the best of intentions to eat clean, workout at the gym, maybe hire a personal trainer to lose weight, start a new and better diet and the list goes on. But only a couple of weeks into...
