COURAGEOUS FIT FEMALE - Get Healthy, Feel Comfortable in Your Body, Women over 40, Christian Health,

COURAGEOUS FIT FEMALE - Get Healthy, Feel Comfortable in Your Body, Women over 40, Christian Health,

Latest Episodes

30: The 2 Lies You've Been Told About Temptation & Losing Weight
August 09, 2019

In this episode, I’ll share 2 lies about temptation and how it connects to your weight loss success. It’s so important to identify these lies because once you recognize its existence then you can counteract it with the truth. Tune in to learn...

29: The 9 Ways to Stop Overeating & Lose Weight
August 01, 2019

“The Road May Be Bumpy But Stay Committed To The Process” Keep this quote in mind as you’re listening to this episode. There is no doubt that your weight loss journey is going to be a bumpy one if it isn’t already. Don’t delay! Tune in now...

28: Who is Keeping You Accountable to Keep Your Word?
July 26, 2019

Most of us want to lose weight and get fit and maybe we don’t even mind working out or eating better. But raise your hand if you find that a lot of the times it can be so hard and even discouraging to stay strong to reach your goals. You know what...

27: The 5 Mistakes Women Make When Trying to Lose Fat
July 19, 2019

If you're trying to lose weight I can bet you are making one or ALL of these mistakes. But I don’t just leave you hanging with mistakes. I’ll also give you the solutions! If you want to get back on track on your weight loss journey or just take it...

26: One Powerful Strategy to Build Stronger Nutrition Choices So You Can Lose Fat
July 12, 2019

I’m gonna teach you one little-known strategy in this episode that you can take today that’ll turn your old habits into new and better habits so you can get set up for success towards losing that unwanted fat. If you’re new to the lose fat...

25: Three Reasons You’ve Lost Weight in the Past, Gained it all Back, and What to Do About it
July 06, 2019

Have you ever wondered why at one point in your fitness journey you were able to lose the weight that you set your mind on, you reached that goal, but then one day you woke up and wondered “where did all this weight gain come from?” This episode...

24: How to Lose the Last 10 Pounds By Doing This One Thing
June 27, 2019

If you focus on just this one thing I’m going to teach you in this episode, it will stir something inside of you. Possibilities will start to come to the surface in your mind. Risks won’t be risks to you. Instead they will be windows of...

23: One Action Step to Fix Your Fat Loss Struggles
June 23, 2019

If you constantly find yourself in the position of always fighting to create progress to lose weight but you keep feeling stuck, then this episode will give you one very doable action step. Email: ...

22: How to Know If You Are Committed
June 13, 2019

On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you? Are you fully committed or just partially committed? In this episode Jaclyn Castro teaches you how to identify and take an honest, hard look at your commitment level. Stay tuned for the 4 tips at the end!...

21: The 7 Reasons Why You Should Join A Gym
June 10, 2019

Do you want to know if a gym membership is worth it? By the end of this episode, you will have more certainty in making your decision. Tune in and listen carefully for the bonus reason! Email: ...
