COURAGEOUS FIT FEMALE - Get Healthy, Feel Comfortable in Your Body, Women over 40, Christian Health,

COURAGEOUS FIT FEMALE - Get Healthy, Feel Comfortable in Your Body, Women over 40, Christian Health,

Latest Episodes

40: You Are a Slave to Food!
December 13, 2019

Do you constantly run to food to satisfy you? Maybe you’re a little bit obsessed with the number on the scale. Could it be possible that you think it just doesn’t feel normal? Almost as if it’s an unhealthy obsession and it’s driving you up...

39: Why Do I Hate My Body?
November 21, 2019

I was at the top of my game and had the body of my dreams. But why was I still hating my body? Prepare your mind to be blown away because what I’m about to share reveals a lot of truth that women sweep under the rug when it comes to weight loss and...

38: A New Set of Eyes for Your Personal Breakthrough
October 24, 2019

If you’ve tried to do something on your own and realized that what you’re trying to accomplish isn’t working? Maybe you did some searches online for help on how to lose some weight. This episode will explain one of the reasons why you may not be...

37: Struggling with Weight Loss? Then Use This!
October 08, 2019

This one tool led me to have a breakthrough and it replaced the areas in my life that were preventing me from seeing progress. I’ll share about a struggle I was going through that was so hard for me to change. To now, having changed that part has...

36: You Are 5-Seconds Away From Weight Loss Wins (& My Detention Story)
September 30, 2019

Getting yourself to do the little things - like going to the gym to get in a good workout, choosing the healthy over the junky option, and waking up early in the morning - can feel so hard. In this episode, I share about the one time I got in trouble...

35: How to Welcome the Weekend Without Fear of Gaining Weight: 3 Tips
September 19, 2019

Fear of the weekend (or fear that you will start to pack on the pounds during the weekends is a real fear. But, in this episode, I give you 3 doable tips to welcome and embrace the weekend!   Add these tips into your arsenal on your weight loss...

34: How to Deal with Weight Loss Haters
September 16, 2019

When you start to lose weight and people notice your transformation you cannot avoid their comments even if you tried. Some will say compliments while others will say the opposite. Losing weight can have a significantly positive impact on your life...

33: Taking the Easy Way Can Be The Best Method for Losing Weight
September 07, 2019

“If Something is easy it won’t deliver results for weight loss.”. This is a typical attitude (and no surprise) when most women automatically think this way - that doing things the hard way is the ONLY way, and the most effective way to lose...

32: Discipline for Weight Loss
August 26, 2019

When it comes to losing weight you already know that discipline is required. There’s really no way around it, right? However, the reality is that very few women truly understand how to be stronger at it. In this episode, I’m going to share with...

31: Is the Shiny Object Syndrome Stopping Your Progress?
August 17, 2019

When you stop to think about it do you find yourself easily distracted by “shiny” new programs, ideas, plans, etc.? Do you constantly start searching for brand new ideas/concepts only to (yet again) move on to the next thing as soon as it starts...
