

Latest Episodes

Two-Year-Old Guest Host – Coupledom #39
July 01, 2015

All the adults in the household are sick with a nasty summer cold. Carolina isn't up for podcasting this week, so Nicole is stepping up to the plate. Coupledom: Hosted by Christopher and Carolina, discussing adult relationship topics,

The Future, Naughty Teens, and a Plane Crash – Coupledom #38
June 25, 2015

Veering away from talk of babies and childbirth this week, we launch into a rapid-fire discussion of... well, you read the title, right? Sometimes podcasting with no set topic agenda can be a fun little rabbit hole. -

Baby vs Baby – Coupledom #37
June 17, 2015

This week we talk about the perspective change related to how we feel going through the first few weeks of having our second baby vs how we think we remember feeling the first time. Yes, it gets weird. What would you expect?

Time: A Crappy Relative – Coupledom #36
June 10, 2015

Time is like money in that it seems you can never have enough. Even if you don't squander it, you spend it and you want to spend more. This week we talk about overdrawing the account time and time again. Example?

Supermodel Baby – Coupledom #35
June 04, 2015

The baby is here. She's happy, apparently, 'cause she barely makes any noise or complaints. The two year old, however... Life's a little upside-down in the house as of late. - This one got up a day late because life.

Babies, Fruit, Appliances, Grandmas – Coupledom #34
May 27, 2015

The new baby arrived Tuesday, which is usually recording day for the podcast. This week's episode is an impromptu "audio peek" into the hospital room, complete with visitors, kids, and grandmas. Oh yeah, and our anniversary is this week too! Whoopie! -

False Labor Fun – Coupledom #33
May 20, 2015

Apparently sometimes babies like to "practice" being born, leading to their daddy leaving work early to drive like a maniac to get across two cities and a bridge in time to get big sister from preschool 'cause mommy's in the OB ward being monitored. -

Crunch Time – Coupledom #32
May 13, 2015

It's crunch time... the baby is due in only days and there's so much to get done beforehand. Plus there's the anticipation of the "big sister" reaction when she sees the baby sister in the flesh. Yikes! Coupledom: Hosted by Christopher and Carolina,

School Reunions – Coupledom #31
May 06, 2015

Once every decade or so, most schools bring back everyone who graduated in a certain year so everyone can fall back into their old high school clicks again. Christopher isn't much impressed with the idea of "reconnecting" with people he hasn't seen in ...

Aging Body Issues – Coupledom #30
April 29, 2015

Everybody gets old. Everybody falls apart when they get old, some sooner, some later. Grey hair, stray hair, wrinkles, sags, and aches are gaining on you fast. This week we contemplate our own experiences of these certainties of life. -