

Latest Episodes

Untold Stories – Coupledom #59
December 03, 2015

Are you in a committed relationship? If so, what kinds of things have you not yet told your partner? That's the ground we cover this week and boy do the stories get juicy...  Coupledom: Hosted by Christopher and Carolina,

She’s a Scrooge – Coupledom #58
November 18, 2015

Carolina seems to have been beaten down by the traditions of the holidays; Black Friday, crowded stores, frustrating shopping lists... Even when she's called out on her curmudgeonly behavior, she's unwavering.

Death and PeePees – Coupledom #57
November 11, 2015

Our daughter Nicole is starting to ask questions. She's full of curiosity. She wants to know what happened to our dog (the dog died but we told her she "went away). She wants to know who sits down and who stands up to pee. Specifically who...

Seven Deadly Sins – Coupledom #56
November 04, 2015

Last week it was the Ten Commandments, this week we examine the Seven Deadly Sins. Admit it, you only know them because of the Brad Pitt movie, right? Yeah, us too... Are you seven for seven?  Coupledom: Hosted by Christopher and Carolina,

The Ten Commandments – Coupledom #55
October 28, 2015

How many commandments did YOU break today. Carolina and Christopher examine the commandments one by one. Let's just say there's some repenting to do! Coupledom: Hosted by Christopher and Carolina, discussing adult relationship topics,

Inefficiency – Coupledom #54
October 21, 2015

Life goes smoother when everything runs efficiently... or so we've heard. "Efficient" isn't even really a word in our household. Coupledom: Hosted by Christopher and Carolina, discussing adult relationship topics, including domestic issues, money,

Fatty Boom Ba Latty – Coupledom #53
October 14, 2015

Christopher needs to get back into the habit of working out somehow. Carolina has a head start. You can probably see where this discussion is headed. Coupledom: Hosted by Christopher and Carolina, discussing adult relationship topics,

Sexy Old People? – Coupledom #52
October 09, 2015

Will we still be sexy when we're old? Are old people sexy? Or more on point, are there sexy old people? What's going to be considered "sexy" by then? What'll be considered "old"? If we feel old now, what will "old" fell like then? -

Where Did the Cuddles Go? – Coupledom #51
September 30, 2015

Apparently being a parent changes your personality and makes you less cuddly. That's Carolina's theory anyway. Whatever the reason, it seems the cuddle reflex atrophies over time. Coupledom: Hosted by Christopher and Carolina,

Back to Work for Mommy – Coupledom #50
September 23, 2015

It's getting time for Carolina to get back on the ol' career track, which means less time to spend with the baby (and the older kid of course). Daycare worries, thoughts of home businesses, a crazy daycare business pipe dream,