Latest Episodes
North Korea Law of Journalism Strikes Again as Envoy Rises From Dead
Editorial standards and quality of reporting on a country are inversely proportional to its relationship with the US: Friendly countries are reported on favorably, whereas anything goes with enemy states like Venezuela, Iran or North Korea.
Netfa Freeman on Cuba Sanctions, Reynard Loki on Indigenous Oil Victory
A former US diplomat to Cuba, Wayne Smith, wrote once that Cuba "seems to have the same effect on American administrations that the full moon once had on werewolves."
‘There Was a Story Being Told About Why They Were Asking for This Information’
"The reporters play such a key role in often assisting our movement partners to achieve their goals, reporting on the findings of these requests, and helping shape the narrative that is so important for our grassroots partners and their campaigns."
‘It Puts You Into a Process That Hugely Favors the Employer’
"At the same time that many of us in our work are being asked to sign away our private right of action through this system of forced arbitration, we are also facing fewer and fewer cops on the beat in terms of public enforcement of those rights."
Celine McNicholas on Forced Arbitration, Ian Head on Freedom of Information
A new report outlines just how tilted the workplace balance of power has become in this country, and what we need to do to restore workers' voice and power at work.
‘It Makes a Hell of a Lot More Sense to Negotiate Sharing Technology, Rather Than Locking It Down’
"The 'trade war' seems to be about arguing points that would actually increase the profits of US companies, and do nothing, and possibly even be a negative, for workers in the United States."
‘The Merger Would Increase Prices—and You Don’t Have to Take Our Word for It’
"The potential applications of 5G are very exciting. However, if we can get to the same place, without having to raise prices on folks who are going to be disproportionately affected, then we shouldn't."
Dean Baker on Trump’s Trade War, Leo Fitzpatrick on Wireless Merger
It's true that the administration is both internally divided and intentionally ambiguous on trade policy and its impacts. But what does that mean for reporters' responsibility?
‘We’re Still Going to Be Making Sure People Have Access to Abortions They Want and Need’
"The intent of this bill, and all similar bills that are being put forth across the country, isn't to protect women's health or preserve the sanctity of life; their intent is to control the reproductive lives and freedoms of people across the country."
There’s Far More Diversity in Venezuela’s ‘Muzzled’ Media Than in US Corporate Press
The international corporate media have long displayed a peculiar creativity with the facts in their Venezuela reporting, to the point that coverage of the nation’s crisis has become perhaps the world’s most lucrative fictional genre.