

Latest Episodes

Melissa Gira Grant on Abortion Rights & Politics
December 01, 2023

Too many outlets seem to have trouble shaking the framing of abortion as a "controversy," or as posing problems for this or that politician.

Mark Weisbrot on Argentina’s Javier Milei
November 24, 2023

Argentina's new president questions the death toll of the country's military dictatorship and calls climate change a lie of socialism.

For Cable News, a Palestinian Life Is Not the Same as an Israeli Life
November 17, 2023

Cable news coverage of victims, war crimes and context show a double standard when it comes to US allies versus official US enemies.

Scott Burris on US v. Rahimi
November 17, 2023

The question is whether the Courts conservative majority can use its special brand of backwards-looking to determine this countrys future.

Jamil Dakwar on US & Human Rights, Matt Gertz on Mike Johnson
November 10, 2023

Shouldn't the press corps be actively involved in informing us about the person third in line for the presidency?

Raed Jarrar on Biden & Saudi Arabia, Joe Torres on Tulsa Massacre
November 03, 2023

The newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.

Peter Maybarduk on Paxlovid, Maya Schenwar on Grassroots Journalism
October 27, 2023

Paxlovid's "transition" to the commercial market entails hiking the cost of the treatment to 100 times the cost of production.

Christopher Bosso on Food Assistance, Barbara Briggs on Workplace Disasters
October 20, 2023

The primary food aid program, SNAP, while the constant target of the racist, drown-government-in-the-bathtub crowd, keeps on keeping on.

Phyllis Bennis on Gaza
October 13, 2023

This week on CounterSpin: In the wake of the October 7 attacks by Hamas and the ensuing bombing campaign from Israel on the Gaza Strip, many people were surprised that CNNs Fareed Zakaria aired

Rodrigo Camarena on Wage Theft
October 06, 2023

Corporate media tell us to be mad at the rando taking toilet paper from Walgreens, but not the executive whos skimming your paycheck.
