

Jen Deerinwater on Indian Child Welfare Act

December 09, 2022



Truthout: Supreme Court Considers Dismantling Native Sovereignty in “Haaland v. Brackeen”

Truthout (11/12/22)

This week on CounterSpin: Those listeners who have heard about Haaland v. Brackeen will know that that Supreme Court case is about considering the Indian Child Welfare Act—which is aimed at keeping Native communities together—to be “race-based,” and therefore unfair and unconstitutional. Opposing the actual mission of those who want to eliminate the Indian Child Welfare Act is just…reality: the reality that made the Act necessary in the first place, and the reality that will likely ensue if it is repealed. We’ll learn more from Jen Deerinwater, who writes for Truthout, among other outlets, and is founding executive director of Crushing Colonialism.

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Plus Janine Jackson takes a quick look back at recent media conflation of crime and homelessness.

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The post Jen Deerinwater on Indian Child Welfare Act appeared first on FAIR.