

Latest Episodes

Gregory Shupak on Palestinian Genocide, Robert Spitzer on Gun Rights and Rules
September 13, 2024

Why do the press corps need a constitutional amendment to protect their ability to speak if all theyre going to say is, oh well?

Dedrick Asante-Muhammad & Algernon Austin on the Black Economy
September 06, 2024

A people-centered press corps would spell out the meaning of economic indicators in relation to where we want to go as a society that has yet to address deep historical and structural harms.

Freddy Brewster on Supermarket Megamerger
August 30, 2024

Kroger is currently raising the prices of things like eggs and milk above inflation rates, simply because they can get away with it.

Steve Macek on Dark Money
August 23, 2024

How do we acknowledge the fact that many peoples opinions are shaped by messages that are created and paid for by folks who work hard to hide their identity and their interests?

Emily Sanders on Criminalizing Pipeline Protest, Victoria St. Martin on Suing Fossil Fuel Companies
August 16, 2024

The crickets youre hearing about efforts to eviscerate the right to protest the impacts of climate disruption? Thats all intentional.

Lee Hepner on Google Monopoly, Shayana Kadidal on Guantanamo Plea Deal
August 09, 2024

Does the company that "corners the market" do so because people simply prefer what they sell? The anti-monopoly ruling against Google challenges that idea of how things work.

Tim Wise on ‘DEI Hires,’ Keith McHenry on Criminalizing the Unhoused
August 02, 2024

The right wing has gotten much more overt about their intention to defeat the prospect of multiracial democracy, as demonstrated by its latest weaponized tropethe DEI hire.

Ari Berman on Minority Rule
July 26, 2024

If voting were made easier, Donald Trump said, "You'd never have a Republican elected in this country again."

Phyllis Bennis on Israel’s War on Palestinians
July 19, 2024

Years from now, well hear about how everyone saw the nightmare and everyone opposed it. But history is now, and the world is watching.

Shelby Green & Selah Goodson Bell on Utility Profiteering, Jane McAlevey on #MeToo & Labor
July 12, 2024

At some point, we will get tired of hearing news reports on "record heat"because "heat" will have stopped meaning what it once may have meant.