

Arlene Martínez on Corporate Subsidies, Florín Nájera-Uresti on Journalism Preservation

July 14, 2023
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Good Jobs First: Power Outrage: Will Heavily Subsidized Battery Factories Generate Substandard Jobs?

Good Jobs First (7/6/23)

This week on CounterSpin: Media talk about “the economy” as though it were an abstraction, somehow clinically removed from daily life, instead of being ingrained & entwined in every minute of it. So white supremacy and economic policy are completely different stories for the press, but not for the people. Our guest’s recent work names a simple, obvious way development incentives exacerbate racialized inequality: by transferring wealth from the public to companies led by white male executives. Arlene Martínez is deputy executive director and communications director at Good Jobs First, which has issued a trenchant new report.

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Free Press: Stop the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act

Free Press

Also on the show: CounterSpin listeners are well aware of the gutting of state and local journalism, connected to the corporate takeover of newspapers and their sell-off to venture—or, as some would say it, vulture—capitalists. Florín Nájera-Uresti is California campaign organizer for the advocacy group Free Press Action. We talk to her about better and worse ways to meet local news media needs.

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Plus Janine Jackson takes a quick look at recent press coverage of Israel/Palestine and cluster bombs.

The post Arlene Martínez on Corporate Subsidies, Florín Nájera-Uresti on Journalism Preservation appeared first on FAIR.