

Latest Episodes

Episode 274. Odetta (Listeners’ Favorites)
July 22, 2024

The United States seems (if this could be possible) even more divided and challenged than it did a week ago. In spite and even because of that, I am continuing my salute to the truly great Americans i

Episode 273. Paul Robeson (Listeners’ Favorites)
July 19, 2024

I am here visiting my family in Milwaukee this week, a time which has proven to be a landmark in the downward spiral of our country into fascism. And all right here in our own backyard! It all struck

Episode 272. Lenora Lafayette (Listeners’ Favorites)
July 15, 2024

Every so often I discover a singer who had previously not come under my radar, but who simply blows me away with their voice, artistry, and communicative powers. Such an artist is the Baton Rouge-born

Episode 271. Muriel Smith (Listeners’ Favorites)
July 11, 2024

As I embark on several weeks of vacation, I bring you the first of several episodes from the early years of the podcast in between the new episodes that I will produce with somewhat less frequency bet

Episode 270. Eleanor Steber Revisited
July 05, 2024

I sat in my apartment in Berlin on the Fourth of July wondering how, after the events of this past Monday, I can possibly pay tribute to our nation as it celebrated its birthday. Then it hit me: sin

Episode 269. Alberta Hunter
June 27, 2024

Please join me today for this overview of the roller coaster career of Alberta Hunter (01 April 1895 17 October 1984), a jazz legend whose surprising and extraordinary life was shaped by a voice tha

Episode 268. Will Parker Redux
June 26, 2024

Today I revisit the life and legacy of lyric baritone William Parker (05 August 1943 29 March 1993), to whom I devoted an episode exactly a year ago. To further explore his unmatched contribution to

Episode 267. A Cavalcade of Pop Contraltos
June 21, 2024

My intention this week to produce a joyous new episode further celebrating contraltos, was undermined by multiple deaths this past week in the musical world, including French pop icon Franoise Hardy,

Episode 266. Sisters in Sapho (Listeners’ Favorites)
June 14, 2024

Its been a whirlwind of a week chez Gundlach and I find myself at the end of it without a new episode ready to post. In addition to that, we are already halfway through Pride Month and I realized thi

Episode 265. Meet Hana Janků
June 06, 2024

Have you ever encountered a singer that no one has apparently heard of, yet once you have discovered them, you feel compelled to introduce them to practically everyone you know? Ive had this experien