Healing Choices: Conversations on Addiction and Recovery

Latest Episodes
The Pace of Guidance: How Do I Recharge & Reconnect After a Natural Disaster?
As people receive the COVID-19 vaccination and cases across the country are in steady decline, daily life is looking more like before the pandemic hit in March of last year. But we know through resear
The Importance of Treating Substance Use & Mental Health Disorders Together, with Dr. Kimberly Parks
This fall, The Council launched the Center for Co-Occurring Disorders, a groundbreaking initiative designed to address substance use and mental health issues together. Substance use and mental health disorders often go hand-in-hand,
How Do We Address the Mental Health Needs of the Veteran Community?
Thirty percent of active and reserve duty military personnel deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan have a mental health condition. Less than half of these veterans will receive the help they need. Why do so many veterans struggle with substance use and othe...
The Connection Between Trauma & Addiction, with John O’Neill
Lori invites John O'Neill of The Menninger Clinic to discuss the connection between trauma, PTSD, and substance abuse. With the whirlwind of shocking events occurring in the world, from COVID-19, to the economic collapse,
The Connection Between Substance Abuse & Suicide, with Dr. Sam Buser & Kimi Buser-Clancy
For Mental Health Awareness Month, we invited Dr. Sam Buser, psychologist for the Houston Fire Department, and his daughter Kimi Buser-Clancy, actor and activist, to our podcast to discuss the connection between substance abuse and suicide,
Coping & Self-Care: How Do I Take Care of My Mental Health During COVID-19?
In this episode of Healing Choices: Conversations on Addiction and Recovery, President and CEO Mel Taylor and Clinical Director of the Center for Recovering Families Lori Fiester meet virtually to discuss how to best take care of your mental health dur...
Mindfulness: Strengthening the Relationship Between Mind and Body
Here at The Council on Recovery, we believe in the power of mindfulness to aide us in difficult times. Mindfulness is the act of developing awareness of how we think and process information. We do this through focusing on the moment at hand and letting...
Codependency & Addiction: When Does Loving Others Become Unhealthy?
Valentine's Day has come and gone, but this celebrated holiday stirred the minds of our clinician staff here at The Council. Romantic relationships can be a source of great joy for many people, but it can also be a source of some of our deepest struggl...
Resolutions: What Does it Take to Truly Quit Something?
In this episode of our newly reimagined podcast, Houston addiction recovery experts Mel Taylor and Lori Fiester discuss resolutions and what it takes to truly quit something, whether it's a bad habit or fully developed addiction.
As Addiction Boils Over, Expert Advice for Saving Your Kids’ Lives
The opioid epidemic is boiling over. Addiction, including alcoholism, is killing hundreds of thousands and destroying millions of lives. Especially tragic is addiction’s ravaging effects on teenagers and young adults.