Cosmic Coffee Break

Cosmic Coffee Break

Latest Episodes

Create A Bigger Vision
October 17, 2016

Create a bigger vision for your life, so you can open to your full expression, freedom and purpose. Are you ready to explore your fullest, richest expression of your soul, your spirit and our world. Lumari guides you in The Bigger Vision Visualization to

Accentuate the Positive
October 11, 2016

Lumari shares new insights that will uplift and transform your thinking and your life. Discover and use the power of Positive Thinking combined with Positive Translation and you will attract and hold good energy, gain a true sense of inner peace and open

Let Go of Stress
October 11, 2016

Listen to Lumari’s quick and easy de-stresser practice and Let Go Of Stress Visualization/Meditation and you can let go of stress, immediately, and have less stress build up. Don’t obsess. Let go of the stress. Increase your health, well-being, creati

Open to Joy
October 11, 2016

Receive more joy in your life, today. Increase your creativity, healing, freedom and abundance. Lumari shares spiritual teachings and guidance and her powerful OPENING TO JOY MEDITATION to help you release limitations while you increase the joy and fulfil
