CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

Latest Episodes

215 Autism Markers & New Data Targets – Woeller-2
April 26, 2018

Biomedical Testing for autism markers now changes the clinical process of diagnosis and treatment for the increasing incidence of autism spectrum disorders

214 Autism & Microbiota Transfer Therapy – Adams
April 24, 2018

 Autism & Fecal Microbiota Transfer Therapy - MTT - FMT - Update James B. Adams, Ph.D., is a President’s Professor at Arizona State University, where he directs the autism/Asperger’s research program, though he originally taught chemical and materials...

213 Longevity, Cognition, & the Rainbow Diet – Minich
April 19, 2018

Specific dietary practices improve longevity, cognition and brain function. Dr. Deanna Minich outlines this Rainbow Diet for foundational mind improvements.

212 ADHD Prisoner Education To Prevent Recidivism & Relapse – Battinelli
April 17, 2018

ADHD education to prevent recidivism with prisoners involved with self-medication and denial. The opiate crisis is directly related this plan matters.

211 Regenerative Biology | Combinatorial Biologics – Pastor
April 12, 2018

New discoveries embrace the field of bio-cybernetics, how healing takes place through combinatorial biologics - join us for this regeneration conversation.

210 Lectins & Plant Paradox – Foods & Health – Gundry
April 10, 2018

Dr. Steven Gundry brings an important different perspective regarding influence on gut health, nutrition, immunity, weight gain, & dietary changes for body & mind

209 Evolution Of Biomedical Psychiatry Diagnosis & Treatment – Tsafrir
April 05, 2018

Dr. Tsafrir is a Harvard child and adult psychiatrist with a larger vision of mind - who uses biomedical psychiatry for evolved, more comprehensive care.

208 Tools For Transitions Beyond Narcissism – Mitchem
April 03, 2018

Transition tools will help when narcissism undermines your sense of belonging and intimacy. They say, family, they mean self. I am the family, period.

207 Multiple Brain Integration Technique – Your 3 Brains – Lee-Emery
March 29, 2018

Multiple brain integration technique provides a useful way to understand and apply your personal values to a host of confusing life circumstances and know your self.

206 Electromagnetic Field Radiation EMF – Biomedical Challenges – DeBaun
March 27, 2018

Electromagnetic Field Radiation effects us all in measured ways. Consider these biomedical outcomes and suggested ways to protect your self and your family.