CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

Latest Episodes

235 Dissociative Identity Disorder & As If Fusion – Flora
July 05, 2018

Dissociative Identity Disorder recovery now evolves to include a new 'As If' technique which can prove dramatically useful in seconds for fusion.

234 Relationship Balance Ends Emotional Confusion – Robinson
July 03, 2018

Relationship balance can be managed through informed, thoughtful approaches that will take anyone back from the front lines of personal combat. Listen up!

233 The Pain Companion – Recovery Insights – Shockley
June 28, 2018

The Pain Companion addresses the complexity of recovery from pain on many levels including the multiple psychological challenges so often overlooked.

232 Essential Tremor – High Intensity Focused Ultrasound – Kaplitt
June 26, 2018

Essential tremor previously required brain surgery and here Dr. Kaplitt tells us about remarkable new tools to modify brain function through ultrasound to correct.

231 Weight Loss & Emotional Eating – Simon
June 21, 2018

Weight loss cannot occur overtime without first correcting the underlying causes of emotional eating for comfort to manage emotional past issues.

230 Phobia – NLP Resolution Insights – Barlis
June 19, 2018

NLP - Neuro-linguistic programming does directly improve phobia challenges as noted by this expert NLP clinician who works with Dr. Bandler's master plan.

229 Enzyme Systems & Refractory Food Sensitivities – Houston
June 14, 2018

Enzymes directly break down proteins in ways not previously appreciated and Dr. Houston, an international expert details treatment implications for a variety of issues.

228 Stress Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia – Davies
June 12, 2018

Chronic fatigue does connect on a measurable biomedical level with stress, fibromyalgia and long-standing immunity challenges that so often remain overlooked.

227 Vitamin K2 – Heart, Bones & Brain – Rheaume
June 07, 2018

Vitamin K2 addresses many of the chronic illness so commonplace in our world, from childhood and pregnancy to age-related issues with health and longevity.

226 Sleep & Sacred Rest – Medical Details – Dalton-Smith
June 05, 2018

Sleep requirements need careful attention in any level of a recovery. Dr Dalton-Smith brings medical wisdom to this frequently overlooked requirement.